Saturday 23 October 2010

Wikileaks: 'Friendly-fire' Incidents in Iraq

British soldiers repeatedly came under attack from US forces in a series of 'friendly fire' incidents, according to Pentagon logs on the Iraq War leaked to the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.
Being shot at had become relatively routine so that by February 2005, according to a report, a three vehicle British convoy strafed by an American gunner did not even bother to stop.
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This is what Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, had to say in London this afternoon:


  1. Good thing we have Wikileaks. No wonder they want to close it down.

  2. I was somewhat inconvenienced by Wikileaks, thanks to my ex-membership of a certain political party; I had some fireworks thrown at my house. However and withal, I'm glad Wikileaks exists. The incident of the murder of insurgents who attempted to surrender to an aircraft was particularly shocking, Not only have there been precedents in that theatre, but in fact a German submarine surrendered to an aircraft in WW2, so it's a recognised miltary proceedure.
