Thai Premier Declares Martial Law to Control Protests
Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared martial law in the capital after protesters stormed parliament, testing the army’s willingness to break up four weeks of mostly peaceful demonstrations.
Deadly Riots in Kyrgyzstan: Coming to America Soon
Riots against the corrupt government in Kyrgyzstan have resulted in more than a hundred dead people. In Bishkek, the nation’s capitol, thousands of protesters stormed the main government building, set fire to the prosecutor’s office and looted state TV headquarters. Government officials were seriously beaten and reported killed.
Los Angeles Is About To Go Bust
El Erian Explains Why Greece Is The Starter's Pistol Of The Sovereign Debt Meltdown
Mohamed El-Erian of PIMCO blasted a warning in this morning's Financial Times on the continuing European sovereign debt crisis.
Greece is still a shambles because no one is willing to lead on the EU-IMF plan, according to El-Erian.
And he says game theory explains it all.
Spending on Afghanistan War to Leap to £5 Billion per Year
Despite massive budget cuts to services for British people at home, the criminal gang of Labour and Tory warmongers, who have plunged Britain into the immoral Afghanistan war, have approved an increase in spending on that war to £5 billion per year
Britain’s Borders Left Open as UK Border Agency Faces 30% Cut — while Foreign Aid Budget Hits 45-Year High
Britain’s border policing agency has been told to cut up to a third of its staff “due to budgetary constraints” — as new figures show that the Tory/Labour-supported foreign aid budget is at its highest level in 45 years.
The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty
Continuing on the trail of exposing what is rapidly becoming one of the largest frauds in commodity markets history is the most recent interview by Eric King with GATA's Adrian Douglas, Harvey Orgen (who recently testified before the CFTC hearing) and his son, Lenny, in which the two discuss their visit to the only bullion bank vault in Canada, that of ScotiaMocatta, located at 40 King Street West in Toronto, and find the vault is practically empty
Ruling threatens an ‘open’ Internet
Broadband providers can restrict access, add fees, court tells FCC

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Small army to protect Toronto during G20 summit
Number of security personnel expected to exceed those at the Vancouver Olympics
Posted by The Network at 20:37 0 comments
Tomato genes act as IEDs on cancer
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden say that tomato genes appear to be an effective agent against cancer cells, according to Sydsvenskan.
Radiation use may raise adult cancer risk
Women’s risk of developing breast cancer may increase as much as 20-fold if they were treated with chest radiation for malignancies as children or young adults, according to an analysis of studies.
FDA suppressed scan safety fears, staffer says
A former Food and Drug Administration scientist said Tuesday his job was eliminated after he raised concerns about the risks of radiation exposure from high-grade medical scanning.
Crackdown on MOT-style body scans
Companies have been told to stop offering whole body and lung scans under a new regulation regime.
Stillborn baby put in cupboard
A STILLBORN baby was kept in a dirty utilities cupboard alongside used bed pans and dustbins at Nambour General Hospital.
Climategate’s culture
British MPs are concerned about the way climate scientists have worked, but not about their results
Chocolate 'can cut blood pressure and help heart' Easter eggs and other chocolate can be good for you, as long as you eat only small amounts, latest research suggests.
Teachers can use physical restraint, says Ed Balls
Teachers must not be afraid to use physical force to break up playground fights and should march disruptive pupils out of the classroom, the schools secretary said today.
NHS cash has not gone where you might think
Received wisdom is that the bulk of the NHS's budget, which will total £127bn in 2010-11, goes on staffing. In fact, the workforce accounts for significantly less than half
Northern lights captured on camera from Space
A photograph of aurora borealis, taken from inside the International Space Station (ISS), has been posted on twitter by astronaut Soichi Noguchi.
Jealous female birds drown out flirting males
Biologists have discovered that female birds change the way they sing to drown out their male partners and prevent them from flirting with other females.
Nut allergy children cured by new treatment
Children suffering from potentially lethal nut allergies can now live normal lives for the first time following the success of an experimental new treatment.
Missing link between man and apes found
The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week.
Posted by Cynarae at 19:04 0 comments
Government cancels swine flu vaccine order
The government has struck a deal with the British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline to cancel part of its massive order for swine flu vaccine, it emerged today.
Stem cells can rescue the memory from Alzheimer's disease, claim scientists
Alzheimer's disease could eventually be reversed, claim scientists, after discovering that stem cells can "nurse" the brain back to health.
Posted by Cynarae at 18:18 0 comments
Great Power Rivalry. China's Role as America's Creditor
"From Export Juggernaut to a Credit Addict"
There's no doubt that China manipulates its currency to gain an unfair advantage over its competitors. There's also no doubt that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will do everything in his power to avoid a confrontation with China's President Hu Jintao when he arrives in Washington in two weeks. That's why Geithner has decided to shelve Treasury's mandated currency manipulation report for the time-being and diffuse a potential imbroglio with Hu. But the Treasury Secretary's unwillingness to embarrass his guest, has angered members of congress who think the administration needs to take a tougher stand on China to protect American workers and U.S. exporters. Senators. Charles Schumer (NY-D) and Lindsey Graham (SC-R) are demanding that China be labeled a "currency manipulator" so that punitive action can be taken. That could lead a full-blown trade war with America's biggest creditor.
The US dollar is vulnerable because of a staggering public debt
Almost every day in almost any currency your purchasing power in terms of gold is less and less. Thus, these currencies in which you save the fruits of your labor are cheating you out of your savings.
The US dollar is vulnerable because of a staggering public debt
The US dollar is particularly vulnerable because of its staggering debt even though it is the world reserve currency. In fact the debt is so onerous that we believe the quality rating of the dollar could be lowered by the end of the year. Many other currencies face the same dilemma and in the final analysis only gold will be worth what it is today or in the future.
Micro Chipping in Animals: Dogs Suffer Cancer After ID Chipping
What Lessons for Humans?
Do implanted microchips cause cancer in dogs and cats?
That's the question owners are asking after highly aggressive tumors developed around the microchip implants of two dogs, killing one and leaving the other terminally ill.
The owners – and pathology and autopsy reports – suggest a link between the chips and formation of fast-growing cancers.
The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution
When Empire Hits Home, Part 3
As nations of the world are thrown into a debt crisis, the likes of which have never been seen before, harsh fiscal ‘austerity’ measures will be undertaken in a flawed attempt to service the debts. The result will be the elimination of the middle class. When the middle class is absorbed into the labour class – the lower class – and lose their social, political, and economic foundations, they will riot, rebel, and revolt.
(Parts 1 and 2 at source link)
Number of cars declines for the first time since Second World War
The number of cars on Britain's roads has fallen for the first time since the Second World War, industry figures have shown
State of emergency declared in Thailand
A state of emergency has been declared in Thailand after "red shirt" protesters stormed parliament and government ministers had to be airlifted to safety.
European bank levy could raise €50bn
The first details of a potential European Union bank tax were revealed yesterday, as proposals that could raise up to €50bn (£43.8bn) a year were unveiled
(One World Government sneaky plan-As a Global levy requires a Global regulatory body to oversee it)
Your Credit Card Is Spying on You
Visa knows if you’re going to get a divorce. It knows that you just moved and, most importantly, it knows if you’re going to miss a payment—maybe before you do.
Posted by The Network at 17:16 0 comments
Kyrgyzstan on the verge of revolution as protesters beat Cabinet minister to death
The former Soviet state of Kyrgyzstan is lurching towards revolution tonight as violence saw 18 people - including the country's Interior Minister - killed.
Snipers loyal to unpopular president Kurmanbek Bakiyev fired on protesters after tear gas and rubber bullets failed to disperse the opposition supporters in capital Bishkek
Ed Balls forced to ditch compulsory sex classes for teenagers in humiliating U-turn
Schools Secretary Ed Balls was today forced into a humiliating climbdown over controversial plans to make sex education compulsory for teenagers.
Mr Balls was forced to drop a string of proposals from his flagship Children, Schools and Families bill following fierce opposition from the Tories.
The measures to force all teenagers from the age of 15 upwards to receive sex education has been opposed by parenting and religious groups.
Magistrate ordered to pay £9,000 for illegally evicting Romanian tenant
A female magistrate’s reputation was today in tatters as she was ordered to pay £9,000 for attempting to unlawfully evict her Romanian tenant.
Bench Chairwoman Stephanie Lippiatt, a senior Justice of the Peace at Kingston-upon-Thames, stormed into the bedsit during a row over rent with 28-year-old Maria Percec and hurled her belongings down the stairs and into the front garden.
AA road rescue staff vote to strike for first time in 105 years
Company makes contingency plans to provide roadside assistance to 15 million members
Posted by The Network at 16:46 0 comments
Posted by Anonymous at 14:17 0 comments
Gender-bending chemicals 'triggering early puberty in girls and putting them at risk of diabetes and cancer'
Everyday 'gender-bending' chemicals may be triggering early puberty in girls
Gender-bending chemicals used in food cans, shower curtains and toys may be triggering early puberty in girls - and putting them at greater risk of cancer and diabetes, researchers say.
Domestic Assassination Of “Extremists” Likely By 2012
The stage is being set for the public acceptance of extremist assassinations in the U.S. and it could be by the year 2012.
Posted by The Network at 14:08 0 comments
The Great Chemical Dumbing Down
What have aspartame, compulsory schooling, toxic vaccines, fluoridation,
watching TV, and multiculturalism all have in common? Dr. Russell blaylock
accuses Industry and Government of dumbing down society with Chemical Toxins
Posted by The Network at 13:27 0 comments
Pound takes dive as fears grow over hung parliament
Sterling fell sharply today as opinion polls raised concerns about a hung parliament following the general election on 6 May.
British jobs for British workers...
Did you know that there are fewer British-born workers in the private sector than there were in 1997? I'd be surprised if so: these official figures are not released. The Spectator managed to get them, on request from the Office of National Statistics. And it puts new light on the boasts Gordon Brown has been making.
Equality Bill completes parliamentary process to become law
The Equality Bill last night completed the final stage of its passage through Parliament, and will now become law.
Employment tribunals set to increase by 370,000
Businesses face 370,000 extra employment tribunals over the next three years, raking up an additional cost of around £2.6bn
Pakistan is in pieces
American drones overhead, Taliban troops on the offensive, and the horrifying rise of child kidnapping – Pakistan is in pieces, writes Robert Fisk, in a devastating portrait of a country thwarted by violence and corruption
Sterling tumbles on decline in UK services
Sterling fell against the dollar today after new figures revealed Britain's dominant services sector expanded at a slower-than-expected pace in March after reaching a three-year high in February.
UK recovery set to slow, BCC warns
Confidence is returning to British businesses but weaknesses and risks of a serious economic setback remain, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has warned
EU regulation has 'cost UK economy nearly €200bn'
A eurosceptic think tank says that EU regulation has cost the UK economy €199bn since 1998.
London-based Open Europe says this is roughly equivalent to the country's entire budget deficit.
Of this amount, it says €140bn, around 70 per cent, had its origin in EU legislation.
SOARING Government spending on outside consultants has cost taxpayers more than £1.7billion in the past six years, it emerged yesterday
Posted by The Network at 10:39 0 comments
A huge earthquake has struck the Indonesian island of Sumatra, triggering blackouts, widespread panic and tsunami warnings.
The 7.8 magnitude quake, the second major temblor to hit the island in six months struck at 5.15 am local time (2215 GMT) 125 miles off the city of Sibolga, on Sumatra's north west coast, which was devastated in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Buildings shook and residents of coastal cities fled to higher ground, and there were blackouts in Medan and Banda Acheh. However there were no reports of major damage or casualties and the tsunami warnings issed by the Indonesian Government and Thailand were lifted two hours later.
(Click link above to read more)
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:22 0 comments
Tyranny Response Team Engages Gestapo Youth
SouthNewJerseyTRT — 03 April 2010 — All great tyrannies work at capturing the minds of the youth. No longer are our children going to be learning survival skills, camping and hunting abilities. Instead they will be training to police and control us.
These are the new Boy Scouts of America, black uniform wearing "authorities". Understand that this is what police states always do before they truly turn the entire system against the public at large. This also serves to condition you to accept roving SS styled police on the streets everywhere.
(Maybe Cameron has something similar in mind for his new 'Neighbourhood Army')
Posted by The Network at 09:51 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 09:47 0 comments
Jobs ultimatum for 9,000 Cordia workers
Posted by subrosa at 09:42 0 comments
Mortgage costs down again as Post Office leads discount dash
Posted by subrosa at 09:38 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 09:37 0 comments
IPCC watchdog under attack from MPs for using ‘police to investigate police’
The police complaints watchdog should stop employing retired officers to investigate the public’s concerns about their former forces.
Strikes: Now militant rail unions threaten national walkout on polling day
The polling-day strike would be humiliating for Prime Minister Gordon Brown
Militant rail unions are threatening to bring the country to a standstill in the run-up to the General Election - or even polling day itself.
General Election 2010: How your tax bills will change when votes are counted
Tax is shaping up to be one of the key battlegrounds in the general election
Labour forced to drop three stealth tax rises
Labour has been forced to abandon three stealth tax rises that Alistair Darling unveiled in last month’s Budget
Schools 'relentlessly centralised' under Labour
The impact of national tests on schools was criticised
England's education system has seen a relentless trend towards increased central control under Labour, a key Commons' comittee says.
Psychiatrists say that being angry is a mental illness
Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged "mentally ill" could include hoarders, people who get angry every now and again, lazy people, and even those who get outraged over things like sex and violence on television
Israel destroys Gaza dairy for second time
It was not a chemical plant, nor a nuclear facility, nor a manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction. But almost all the rubble of the entirely destroyed factory was covered in white, with white chunks everywhere. These were pieces of cheese, butter and yoghurt — some of the products made by the Dalloul dairy factory in southern Gaza City.
Posted by The Network at 09:10 0 comments
PLANETFARGONE — 06 April 2010 — This is the state the pigs leave ur house if ur trying to grow ur own medicine,,,can u dig it;;(((
Creativity Is The Enemy
mrwashup — 06 April 2010 —If the UK Digital Economy Bill becomes law websites like YouTube could be blocked for showing content like this. Your internet could be disconnected on suspicion of illegal activity (like watching YouTube mashups such as this one). If you wanted to challenge that you'd have to pay to go to court!
Posted by The Network at 08:56 0 comments
THREE of Labour’s highest-profile MPs face humiliating defeat on May 6, triggering a polls savaging for Gordon Brown.
THE hospital nurse banned from wearing her crucifix at work was told in a legal ruling yesterday that the management was right.
Obama targets US citizen for kill or capture
The Obama administration has authorised the targeted killing of an American citizen in what is believed to be an unprecedented move in the war against terror.
Greece takes a pounding as doubts grow over rescue deal
A sudden sell-off in Greek sovereign bonds yesterday has pushed up the cost of borrowing for the embattled state to record levels, casting doubts on its ability to refinance up to €15 billion of debt over the next two months.
China Can't Shake Its Severe Drought And The Problem Has Gone Regional
China has been struggling to deal with severe drought in its southwest, which has now gone on for six months. Despite efforts to create artificial rain and divert water resources, the situation remains challenging.
Worse yet, it's not just China that is feeling the effects
HOUSEHOLDS will be hit by a devastating £1,000-a-year tax bombshell if Gordon Brown wins the General Election, new figures revealed last night.
You Tube blocks viral spread of powerful Alex Jones’ Wikileaks video
As so often happens with controversial content, and especially videos showing military crimes, You Tube has blocked the viral spread of the powerful and damning Wikileaks video by imposing age verification and a required log-in.
Is It Just Us Or Have There Been Far Too Many Quakes Lately?
The Wall Street Journal has a great interactive graphic that sums up the quakes we've had so far in 2010. It shows that we've had 18 major earthquakes ranging from 4.0 to 8.8 on the Richter scale. The very recent Baja, California quake was 7.7.
In some places we been fortunate enough to see little damage, yet others are still suffering the economic consequences, such as in Haiti and to a far lesser extent Mexico and the U.S. right now.
Here's a snapshot of what we've seen so far.
Edible RFID microchip monitor can tell if you take your medicine
Researchers at the University of Florida have combined RFID, microchips and printed nano-particle antennas to make pills that communicate with cell phones or laptops to tell doctors whether patients are taking their medicine.
700 children die of hunger every day in Congo
Congolese officials say at least 700 children under the age of five are dying of hunger every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
General Election 2010: Markets nervous after opening political shots
Britain's business leaders have warned of a month of market volatility ahead of the General Election unless the political parties offer more coherent plans on cutting the £167bn deficit.
Global warming: Greenpeace's true crime
I don't really care if Greenpeace knows where I live. And, although I think it stupid and sad that they would publish a nonsensical report that invents a 'climate denial machine' (that basically consists of dusty Republican think tanks that haven't influenced policy in decades), it's not the end of the world.
But on Thursday, Great Britain will decide (they have the deciding vote) whether or not the World Bank will fund the construction of a coal plant in South Africa.
Posted by The Network at 08:25 0 comments
Goodbye Paper Money: Does It Mean More Ways for the Banks to Screw Us?
The spiral of economic calculation is dizzying, when you factor in inscrutable fees and other invisible transactions banks attach to the light-speed movement of our money.
Welcome to the False Recovery
The one economic indicator that seems to point toward long-term hope for businesses is the increase in the U.S. household savings rate—the portion of income that wage earners aren’t spending. Savings were close to nil until the economic collapse but have been rising ever since. As of this writing, the rate stands at about 4.8%. Economists and business leaders say this is a good sign, despite the short-term drag created by decreased spending. “I would feel more pessimistic if it were still 1%,” says Gregory W. Brown at the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. Friends of mine who run companies, both private and public, have expressed pretty much the same sentiment. A savings rate that’s even in the 6%-to-8% range is respectable. And if consumers don’t return to their old borrowing-and-buying habits, the argument goes, one day they’ll go out and spend all this saved-up cash, and businesses everywhere will reap the benefits.
But in fact, the rising savings rate is telling us something very different
How to Manufacture a Recovery
Last Friday the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced that for the month of March, employers added 162,000 jobs. This would be fantastic news… if it were true.
Let’s have a look at these 162,000 jobs.
L.A. Controller Says City Could Run Out of Cash by May 5
Los Angeles is in deep trouble. The situation has gotten so grim that the city controller says L.A. to Run Out of Cash in a Month.
Unused swine flu doses leave taxpayers facing a £150m loss
Almost 30 million doses of swine flu vaccine ordered by the Government could go unused, at an estimated cost of up to £150 million to the taxpayer
'Wash up': Cider tax hike scrapped... after just a week
Ministers were last night forced into a series of humiliating U-turns as policies fell victim to the pre-election 'wash-up' in Parliament.
How £300million was squandered on swine flu jabs that we didn't need
Up to £300million of taxpayers' money has been wasted on swine flu jabs that were never needed.
The Mark of the New World Order
These current economic and social crises are leading to a global, financial "melt down" that the powerful global elite are using in order to establish a Global Financial Economic System
Euro Speeding Towards the Currency Graveyard
Between 1998 and 2002 I published several articles on how the just born euro currency would ultimately fail, resulting in the collapse of the European Monetary Union.
Posted by The Network at 07:59 0 comments
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Journalism is (or used to be) the profession of gathering and presenting a broad panorama of news about the events of our times and presenting it to readers for their own consideration. We believe in the intelligence, judgment and wisdom of our readers to discern for themselves among the data which appears on this site that which is valid and worthy...or otherwise.