PROPERTY experts today warned that the General Election could spark another property crash.
Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech
Alamo Park Police encounter, Alamo Park Police literally make up laws and rules to stop us from handing out “FREE DVDS” on our 9/11 Truth, 11th of the month, street action
Holly Greig IS the Issue in Scot Election
The only real issue in this year's election is whether or not the Scottish people will vote to protect the weakest members of their society from the most vile members of their leadership. Holly Greig, a little Down syndrome girl, that also suffers from mild retardation, was repeatedly sexually violated by the politically connected and powerfull in her little Scottish town
Fears grow as study shows genetically modified crops 'can cause liver and kidney damage'
An environmental campaigner protesting against GM crops. A study said it can cause organ damage.
Fresh fears were raised over GM crops yesterday after a study showed they can cause liver and kidney damage
Britain’s trade gap shrinks to four year low
Britain’s trade deficit with the rest of the world shrank to its smallest gap in almost four years in February, boosting hopes of economic recovery and handing the Government an election boost
(if you think that the fact that uk citizens are buying fewer foreign imports because the pound has been severly devalued and everything imported is more expensive is 'good news' then you need your head examined- don't believe the spin-read between the lines)
UKIP’s “Anti-Islamification” and “Anti-Immigration” Posturing Exposed as Hoax
The fake UKIP party’s posturing as an anti-Islamification and anti-immigration party has been exposed as a hoax with the news that two out of the five-man strong party election team in Wrexham appear to be Muslim Somali ‘asylum seekers’ who arrived in Britain about four months ago.
Institute for Fiscal Studies Warns That Labour Will Increase Tax
One of Britain’s leading independent microeconomic research institutes, the 40-year-old Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), has savaged the Labour Party’s economic election manifesto as opening the door to further tax rises of at least £1,420 per family each year
Tory lead narrows amid huge voter disenchantment, Times poll finds
UK 'helping' Serbs cover up genocide
Former Bosnian President Ejup Ganic will reappear in court on April 20, when the court will appoint a date for the formal extradition hearing.
Former Bosnian President Ejup Ganic, who is fighting extradition from Britain to Serbia, has accused London of eagerly seeking to "rewrite history."
More than 115,000 students could miss out on university place
More than 115,000 students could miss out on a place at university this year as the number of applications rose sharply, figures show
A Banana Republic With No Bananas
Experts on third world banana republics from the IMF and the Federal Reserve have said the U.S. has become a third world banana republic
Argentina seizes pension funds to pay debts. Who's next?
Here is a warning to us all. The Argentine state is taking control of the country’s privately-managed pension funds in a drastic move to raise cash.
Antigovernment extremists are on the rise—and on the march.
The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America
——-I: Casualties of Economic Terrorism, Surveying the Damage
——-II: The Rise of the Economic Elite
——-III: Exposing Our Enemy: Meet the Economic Elite
——-IV: The Financial Coup d’Etat
——-V: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategy
——-VI: How to Fight Back and Win: Common Ground Issues That Must Be Won

Tuesday, 13 April 2010
UK’s discriminatory criminalization of dissent
"We are very angry, very afraid, very sad, very upset. My wife, she is depressed. When she sees police in the street she's very frightened. They destroyed our life," says Badi Tebani.
Race relations chief Trevor Phillips spent over £6,000 on state credit card
Trevor Phillips, the Government's controversial race relations chief, claimed hundreds of pounds of taxpayer's money 'entertaining' at luxury restaurants.
Thousands falsely branded as criminals by bungling CRB
Victims of the scandal have been wrongly accused of being paedophiles, thugs, fraudsters and thieves - leaving the taxpayer to stump up almost £300,000 in compensation (file picture)
Seven innocent people are being falsely branded offenders every day because of erroneous criminal records checks.
Over the past six years, the beleaguered Criminal Records Bureau has admitted mistakes in almost 15,000 cases where it has either got people mixed up or released incorrect information - an average of seven every day
Police shot man with 50,000-volt Taser after he suffered epileptic fit in gym
Police watchdogs have launched an investigation after a Taser was used on a man suffering an epileptic fit.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has launched an investigation after Greater Manchester Police officers allegedly shot the man with a 50,000-volt stun gun after he collapsed in November.
Paramedics were called to the Powerleague gym in Whalley Range, Manchester, after the 40-year-old man suffered from a seizure.
Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault
Video exonerates innocent victim and initiates criminal charges against police
WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee
Reports that the WHO is appointing an ‘independent’ committee to investigate its own conduct in the H1N1 panic of 2009 has been tempered by the fact that one of the committee’s members, John Mackenzie, was in fact one of the advisors who urged the WHO to declare a pandemic in the first place. He also has ties to vaccine manufacturers, making him part of the very charge being investigated: that the WHO relied on advisors with a financial interest in declaring a pandemic regardless of the facts on the ground
Club Of Rome Behind Eco-Fascist Purge To Criminalize Climate Skepticism
Ultra elitist organization that openly bragged of inventing global warming scare to manipulate population behind new onslaught of green fascism which would criminalize questioning man-made climate change
A Nuclear Iran Could Become the First ‘Suicide State’
President Obama’s naive belief in rationality could turn Israeli cities into cemeteries
Posted by The Network at 20:16 0 comments
Sugar donates £400,000 to Labour
Enterprise tsar Lord Sugar has donated £400,000 to the Labour Party, he announced.
The Labour peer said he gave the boost to the party's coffers to assist with its running costs during the General Election campaign.
Lord Sugar, star of BBC show The Apprentice, said he had donated cash during previous campaigns.
In a statement released to the Press Association, he said: "I can confirm that I have today agreed a donation of £400,000 to the Labour Party.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 20:15 0 comments
Where's my mother?
You really have to laugh just a little.
A FORGETFUL married couple made the mother of all mistakes when they went on a day trip to France - but left their elderly relative in their car in Dover.
In scenes reminiscent from the hit film Home Alone, in which a couple only realise they've forgot their son while en-route to their holiday destination, the pair discovered they had left their mother behind when they were on the ferry half way across the English Channel.
Then again I wonder.....
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 15:02 0 comments
Ukip launch 'Sod the lot' manifesto
Well. I like the title.
Ukip said "Sod the lot" today as they launched their manifesto, telling voters it was time to ditch the three main parties.
The party's new poster features the faces of Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg alongside the slogan "Sod The Lot".
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 12:55 0 comments
Labels: sod the lot, ukip
Machinegun attack at rave ‘was over trivial row about someone being pushed’
And we all take a Mac - 10 machine pistol to a party don't we?
A sub-machinegun attack at a warehouse party in which a model and TV presenter narrowly escaped death was triggered by an innocuous row over someone being pushed, it emerged today.
The party in north London was organised by “It” girl Donatella Panayiotou, 26, to celebrate the first anniversary of the online music guide Grime Daily.
Three people — including a 21-year-old woman — were injured when a man pulled out a Mac-10 sub-machinegun and opened fire at the warehouse in Capitol Way, Colindale, in front of 600 clubbers.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 12:46 1 comments
Labels: Mac10
Why do I need to work when I can get £42,000 a year in benefits AND drive a Mercedes?
The Davey family's £815-a-week state handouts pay for a four-bedroom home, top-of-the-range mod cons and two vehicles including a Mercedes people carrier.
Father-of-seven Peter gave up work because he could make more living on benefits.
Yet he and his wife Claire are still not happy with their lot.
With an eighth child on the way, they are demanding a bigger house, courtesy of the taxpayer.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 12:28 0 comments
Labels: Troughers
Global Oil Demand Revised Even Higher, And Supply Is Falling, So Guess Which Way Oil Is headed
Here's a quick summary of the March findings from the IEA:
GORDON Brown was last night accused of concealing a £1,420 tax bombshell for every family in Britain behind the glossy promises of Labour’s election manifesto.
VOTERS believe Government waste can be cut without harming public services, despite what Labour says.
British involvement in rendition of suspects will continue, says Straw
Justice Secretary rejects legislation to ban unlawful transfers overseas as it would be 'too burdensome' for airlines
We are Drowning in Tory/Labour Debt, but British Taxpayers will Fund Greece with £650 Million Per Year
Although Britain is drowning in a sea of debt created by decades of Tory and Labour mismanagement, British taxpayers will now be forced to pay an additional £650 million per year to bail out the Greek economy.
'US nuke threat is state terrorism'
Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaee describes the US threat of using nuclear weapons against other countries as state terrorism
Sellers return to housing market
Estate agents said house sellers are returning to the market in a way not seen since May 2007, just before the property market crashed
World oil demand to hit record high
LONDON (Reuters) - Global oil demand will hit a record high this year, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday, revising up consumption estimates as the world economy recovers from recession.
US climate bill expected this month
Congress returns from its two week spring break today with speculation mounting that the long-awaited draft climate change bill could be unveiled to coincide with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22
Posted by The Network at 12:26 0 comments
Police shooting inquest opens
A WOMAN killed by armed police wrote in her journal just days before she met her tragic end that she had a story in her head which ended with her being shot.
The long-awaited inquest into the death of Sevenoaks' woman Ann Sanderson began in Gravesend with jurors being shown CCTV footage of the moments leading up to the 37-year-old's death.
Known as 'Tosh', Ms Sanderson was seen brandishing what was believed to be a handgun in the town centre in the early hours of June 11, 2007.
She pointed the gun at CCTV cameras several times, set fire to one industrial bin and attempted to set light to another.
At around 2.40am Ms Sanderson was cornered in the car park behind M&CO by armed police officers.
After a brief standoff she was shot and died from a single gunshot to the chest.
Her inquest is set to continue today.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:49 0 comments
Labels: inquest
Former Royal Navy seaman who swears at politicians on TV gets Asbo.
A former Royal Navy seaman has been given an Asbo – to stop him swearing at politicians when they appear on his TV or on the radio.
Martin Solomon, 64, has already spent the past two weeks in prison waiting to be sentenced after admitting he had breached a previous Asbo by shouting and swearing loudly in his home in Stroud, Gloucestershire, and disturbing his neighbours last month.
I'm waiting for that knock on the door.............
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:31 0 comments
Mephedrone banned this week
The party drug mephedrone will become illegal from Friday, the Home Office said.
Following the completion of the formal parliamentary process today, the so-called legal high will be classified as a Class B drug with effect from April 16.
From that date anyone found in possession of mephedrone could face five years in prison. The maximum sentence for dealing in the drug will be 14 years.
The move to ban mephedrone, which is sold over the internet as plant food, comes despite the resignation of two Government drugs advisers over the issue.
Earlier this month, Eric Carlin followed Dr Polly Taylor in stepping down from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD).
In a letter of resignation, Mr Carlin said the decision to ban the drug was made despite there being "little or no discussion about how our recommendation to classify this drug would be likely to impact on young people's behaviour."
He added: "Our decision was unduly based on media and political pressure."
Calls for mephedrone to be made illegal came as a series of reports linked it to deaths across England and Scotland.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:28 0 comments
Ah, the dominoes begin to fall
Keep a close eye out, because once this really starts most of you can say goodbye to your comfortable lifestyle and say hello to the Greatest Economic Depression in the history of mankind.
Posted by The Network at 09:10 0 comments
Brown-must-go blogger now backs PM
A young Labour supporter who helped launch the party's manifesto has explained why she criticised Gordon Brown in a blog written two years ago.
Ellie Gellard, 20, called for the Prime Minister to quit in the 2008 blog, following Labour's by-election defeat in Glasgow East.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 08:23 0 comments
Bank set to shut its doors in Scotland
Posted by subrosa at 08:21 0 comments
Labels: banks
Digital Economy Bill- Mark Thomas- This Power Will Be Abused!
Digital Economy Bill- Mark Thomas- be afraid, be very afraid!
Given all the past examples of how all the other laws introduced by labour has meant to be 'for our own good' and 'only to be used in extreme circumstances' have been widely abused and misused against us, what do you think will happen with this one, hey? Btw- Feargal Sharkey- some artists have to get by on 15k a year, hey? i actually fuckin Work for a living,and damn hard too, and get less than 20k, so go suck your thumb and the governments' cock, you fuckin' sellout. As for peter mandelson, the more i see and hear of him the more i wonder if David Icke might not have something with the stuff about 'lizard people'... and that frankenstein creation of a junior mp, Timms, bleating on about how the definition of 'copyright' can be changed according to government whim without approval, is a good thing..? you fuckin' toady, you quisling, you'll get yours when they fuck you over just as they have done us, twat to think you'll be alrite cos you've sold your soul to them... Share, Disseminate, Spread the word, better to die on your feet like a human than on your knees like a dog ;-j wolf2jon
Posted by The Network at 08:17 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 08:15 0 comments
Labels: General Election, Scotland
THE Conservatives yesterday warned electors not to be fooled by Labour’s manifesto.
Shadow Schools Secretary Michael Gove spelled out 10 of Labour’s “102 broken promises” from 2005:
First Installment of Naked Body Scanner Contest Entries
GOOGLE CEO and Obama political activist Eric Schmidt declared this weekend that his machines will help decide what news you receive!
News sites should use technology to PREDICT what a user wants to read by what they have already read, Schmidt told the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWS EDITORS, where a few humans still remained in the audience.
Judge in charge of family courts criticises ‘arrogant social workers’
Social workers have been criticised as “arrogant and enthusiastic removers of children from their parents” by the judge who takes charge of the family courts today.
Lord Justice Wall said that the determination of some social workers to place children in an “unsatisfactory care system” away from their families was “quite shocking”.
In a separate case, on which Sir Nicholas Wall also sat, Lord Justice Aikens described the actions of social workers in Devon as “more like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China than the West of England”.
Pimco warns of pressure on sterling and Bank of England
The head of European investments at the fund manager Pimco has warned that sterling could come under pressure if the UK fails to tackle its budget deficit after the general election.
Expenses scandal MPs to get legal aid
Three Labour MPs due to appear in court after allegedly abusing their expenses have risked angering voters further after they won their battle to have their legal fees paid by taxpayers.
Posted by The Network at 08:00 0 comments
Where Will the Food Come From to Satisfy China's Growing Consumption?
While out this week shopping at your favorite food store, do something for one of your grandchildren. Use that fancy cell phone to take a few pictures of those food stores. Be sure to get several of the store front with people entering. With those pictures you may be able to convince your disbelieving descendants that a time did exist when grocery stores did not have armed guards
Soros Warns Europe of Disintegration Over Greece
The euro zone is at a dangerous brink, says billionaire investor George Soros, unless Germany agrees to lend money to Greece at below-market rates.
Euphoria over Greek rescue fades as first cracks appear
Euphoria over a joint EU-IMF rescue deal for Greece worth €45bn (£39.8bn) has given way to caution after angry reactions in Germany and continued concerns among bond investors that any bail-out merely delays the day of reckoning
PIMCO's Bill Gross Frantically Dumping Treasuries, Thinks US Interest Rates Will Soar
Nine months ago, Bill Gross's Total Return Fund was 50% in US Treasuries. Now it's only 30%, the lowest percentage in the 23 year history of the fund, says Nelson Schwartz of the NYT.
Why is Gross dumping Treasuries?
And Now It's Officially Spain's Turn To Take The Stage
Now that Greece is arguably an old story (though we've been fooled too many time to be certain of that), it's Spain's turn to take the stage.
In the last 24 hours, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has come out and promised to enforce strict austerity measures to deal with the country's budget deficit that's 11.3% of GDP, according to RTTnews.
Whether they can do it, and convince the bond market that they can make it stick is another story.
And unlike Greece, Spain is too big to bail.
Labours Election Manifesto Full of Promises But Missing Spending Cuts or Tax Rises
The Labour party launched its election manifesto today that in great detail listed a string of promises to increase spending and not to increase income tax.
Posted by The Network at 07:40 0 comments
Sales of organic Scots meat plummets
Posted by subrosa at 07:24 0 comments
Labels: Scotland
Posted by subrosa at 07:18 0 comments
Labels: legal aid, Rotten Labour government
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