Saturday, 10 April 2010

ALL UK Legislation Passed Since 2000 Is Null And Void
Hang on to your hats. This could be very interesting for a variety of reasons.

"Managing" Data and Dissent: Where Big Brother Meets Market Fundamentalism
As the securitization of daily life increase at near exponential rates (all to keep us "safe," mind you) the dark contours of an American police state, like a pilot's last glimpse of an icy peak before a plane crash, wobbles into view.

In the main, such programs include, but are by no means limited to the following: electronic surveillance (call records, internet usage, social media); covert hacking by state operatives; GPS tracking; CCTV cameras linked-in to state databases; "smart" cards; RFID chipped commodities and the spooky "internet of things;" biometrics, and yes, the Pentagon has just stood up a Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA); data-mining; watch listing; on and on it goes.

Even the dead can't escape the nanny state
The state's restrictions on our behaviour are getting beyond a joke, says Nigel Farndale

Conservatives double lead over Labour in new poll
David Cameron has won a boost at the end of the first week of the General Election campaign as a new opinion poll shows the Conservatives' lead over Labour doubling to eight points over the last five days.

UN process under fire at climate change talks
Climate change negotiations remain in the mire after the first meeting since Copenhagen showed rich and poor countries are still not ready to trust each other.

The Names often Change, but the Game Remains the Same
Correlating concepts is one literary tool which unifies stories and ignites sparks in readers. Recognition of correlations in written words and in real life instigates thoughts on metaphors in stories and truths in reality. I think the stunning power of correlations, whether in story or reality, comes from the innate human desire to find truth and such universality might arm one with knowledge to better find it.

Reason Number One to get rid of Labour: Immigration
Readers may remember that when Phil Woolas took over as Immigration Minister in 2008 he gave a distinctly barn-storming interview. He sounded the real deal – someone about to get tough after the ruinous era of mass migration into the UK.

“It’s been too easy to get into this country in the past and it’s going to get harder,” he promised. He even talked quotas.

His comments were so sensible that they were immediately criticised by Keith Vaz.

So if you wanted an example of why people don’t believe politicians you need go no further than comparing Mr Woolas’s early boast of what he would do with his lamentable attempt on The Daily Politics show to defend what he has actually done.

Bribery Act 2010 - exemptions for MI6, MI5, Active Service Military ok, but why is GCHQ exempt, no public scrutiny of Government sanctioned bribery

Britain to top the inflation league
A leading investment bank has warned that the UK will lead the western world in inflation this year, as VAT hikes and rising oil prices impact on the High Street.

The prediction came as the pound hit the highest level against the dollar for six weeks following a marked pickup in the prices of goods leaving British factories.

Four crises to overcome to save the economy
The UK needs to reform itself or it risks following Japan into a lost decade
The official election campaign is now five days old, and you could be forgiven for thinking that the only issue is how and when to tame public borrowing. It warrants its place on the policy agenda, with Government borrowing at more than 11pc of GDP and public debt converging on 90pc of GDP.

For most of us, that translates better as the Government is borrowing just under £1 of every £4 it spends, having doubled its outstanding debt since 2007 to £30,300 per person in the working-age population.

But the state of public finance is only part of a deep-seated structural malaise into which the British economy has fallen as a result of the financial crisis

Purcell Pursuances
The Major Crimes and Terrorism group is investigating how Ruth Black, a recent convert to Labour, managed to leave her position as manager of the lesbian and gay drop-in Castro centre a mere six months before it went bankrupt for £300,000 and then remerge as head of the phoenix like new Castro centre – again a drop in centre for gay and lesbians with guaranteed funding of £50,000 a year from a committee chaired by Steven Purcell.

From Anna Racoon

An Exclusive Interview with Lord Monckton Part 1

An Exclusive Interview with Lord Monckton Part 2

(Eye opening even for those that are already well aware of what is going on and definately worth watching -ukws)

An Example of a Worldwide Media Blackout

Here's an example of the effectiveness of the Mainstream Medias' complete control of News coverage throughout the world, and how, if they so wish it, an incredibly important story concerning fraud, corruption and manipulation, orchestrated in the very highest offices in the world of Banking and Government, can get completely 'disappeared'.

At the end of this article I'll give you a nice little experiment to try for yourselves so you can see just how effective it is, but first a little background.

I'm sure a few people that read this blog and those that followed it's predecessor 'ukwebspider' must have at times wondered why I keep publishing stories about Gold and Silver, Comex, the LBMA, GLD ETF's and associated topics. What's the big deal? I'm sure some must have thought.

Well it's a subject that is not only fascinating but vitally important if you really want to know what's going on and what is likely to occur in the not too distant future.

Gold you see is the most imortant 'commodity' in international banking. Gold underpins everything- the whole 'facade' of world economics and banking rests upon Gold and if the Gold market collapses through fraud or manipulation you'll see the biggest bank run in world history and every economy in the world will crash completely in a matter of a few days and Fraud there is in abundance. Heres an excerpt from Eric deCarbonnels recent article Cracks Appearing in US Financial System and by reading it you'll get some idea of what's going on and just why it is so important and hence why the 'media blackout'.

Gold prices soar after CFTC Hearings confirm manipulation
Gold manipulation was been officially confirmed at the CFTC hearings held on March 25. Since then, gold prices have skyrocketed.

If you haven’t read my entry, Gold Manipulation OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED please do so. Basically, the lack of physical holdings by all who claim to have gold in storage is pervasive throughout the gold world.

Amazing set of revelations

1) For the first time ever, a whistleblower, Andrew Maguire, has stepped forward citing specifics of a gold market rigging as it was occurring in real time.

2) There is no gold corresponding to the vast "gold deposits" at the major LBMA banks. During the CFTC hearings, Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group (one of the most respected precious metals consultancies) stated that "precious metals…trade in the multiples of a hundred times the underlying physical…"

3) Almost all of the trading activities on the London exchange were merely settled by paper for paper, not for physical metals as the exchange supposedly requires.

4) There are thousands of clients (Asian and Middle Eastern governments, sovereign wealth funds, GLD, etc) who think they own hundreds of billions and perhaps trillions of dollars of gold bullion, and are being charged storage fees on that fantasy bullion, but what they really own unsecured gold loans to the banks at a negative interest rate.

5) It is impossible for the London exchange to ever deliver all the gold and silver owed to the owners of contracts.

Unbelievable “coincidences” surrounding CFTC hearings

1) The live television broadcast of the CFTC hearing suffered a technical failure right as Murphy was set to begin his testimony. This was corrected right after Murphy was finished.

2) At least one live voice broadcast (radio) failed during Murphy's presentation.

3) After the hearing, Murphy was contacted by several major media outlets for more interviews. Within 24 hours, all the interviews were canceled. All of them.

4) The day after Maguire gave his radio interview, he was the victim of a hit and runcollision. Somebody sped out of a side alley at top speed, smashed into Maguire’s car, and then tried to escape. A high-speed chase ensued, and the perpetrator was caught by police. Although the British press has reported that this might have been an assassination attempt or a threat, there has been no word from the police.

5) Shortly before somebody crashed into Maguire’s car, the CFTC caught on fire. This fire happened to be located in the one small basement room where gold and silver trading data and other pertinent documents were kept.

6) A few days after the CFTC caught on fire, there was an DOS (denial of service) attack on the King World website which contains the radio interview of Maguire and his emails to the CFTC.

Virtual blackout by the mainstream news media

1) Only the blogs, and almost no one in the mainstream media, are covering the relevations of the CFTC hearings.

2) At the Wall Street Journal, a search on "Gensler" (CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler would surely be included in any report) produces only one item from before the hearing. Readers of the Wall Street Journal will never hear what happened at the hearing and whether the CFTC paid any attention to them.

3) The few mainstream stories that do cover the CFTC hearings are unnaturally one sided, failing to mention anything other than opposition to any idea of position limits in metal markets

4) A Google News search on "Gensler" confirms the virtual blackout by the mainstream news media.

5) The media’s strategy seems to be to stonewall and hope scandal goes away.


1) This is a scandal of monumentous proportions. As the articles above put it:

"Sub-prime crisis was peanuts before this scam."

"This is a potential multi-trillion dollar fraud that could bring down the world's financial system."

'FRAUD’, that is the one word which comes to any investor’s mind when s/he reads about the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) hearing on manipulations in bullion market by gold cartels

"It is a bombshell. This has to be dealt with, one way or the other. Bring it out into the light of day, and let the facts be known. This is either the equivalent of the fictionalized testimony on the order of the Salem Witch trials, or one of the most damning accusations of malfeasance in office against quasi-governmental agencies, and probably US officials, since Teapot Dome. "

2) As the significance of the CFTC hearings’ revelations sink in, it will create a gold rush and dollar panic, resulting in the biggest short squeeze in the history of all commodities.

3) The upward explosion in gold prices, it will result in a complete loss of confidence in the U.S. dollar.

Conclusion: Last October, I wrote about the Gold Market Reaching The Breaking Point. Well now we are there
(End of Article)

Right here's the example of a worldwide MSM news balckout:

Try 'googling' any combination of the following words: Gold- Manipulation- CFTC- Hearings- Fraud and see what you find, outside of the blogs it won't exist. Happy hunting. I'd take a look at the links complied with the video recommended to us by 'Stop Common Purpose' before they get 'disappeared' too

TNR: World Silver And Gold Fraud Exposed! Andrew Maguire Exposes JP Morgan & CFTC

TheNorthwestReport — 04 April 2010 — This dwarfs ALL other scams/frauds.

Spread this video. The government influenced media refuses to cover this.



LINK C (click the icon on the bottom left)


LINK E (click the icon on the bottom left)



US to retain 90 nukes on Iran border
The US has positioned a total of 200 B61 thermonuclear gravity bombs in Turkey, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany since the Cold War. Turkey is believed to be hosting 90 bombs at Incirlik Air Base.

Drug addicts offered cash to stop reproducing
Addicts are being offered up to £200 cash to be sterilised so they do not give birth to drug dependent children.

Lamb prices shoot up after sheep shortage
The price of British lamb has increased by 20 per cent this year and could climb higher, after a shortage of sheep in Britain has caused problems in the meat market.

British campaigner urges UN to accept 'ecocide' as international crime
Proposal to declare mass destruction of ecosystems a crime on a par with genocide launched by lawyer

The Destruction of Britain through Mass Immigration
The devastating impact of mass immigration on towns across Britain has been revealed by the publication of a letter sent to the leaders of the Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem parties.

Has Labour really ransacked our pensions?
Just how much has Gordon Brown hurt your retirement? As we approach the end of Labour's thirteenth year in government, the words 'disaster' and 'pensions' seem to roll off the tongue

Labour accused of plotting to introduce road pricing
Labour has been accused of secretly plotting to introduce "pay as you drive" charges for millions of motorists across the country.

Polish president and wife among '87 confirmed dead' as plane crashes in Russia

Polish president Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria have been killed after their plane crashed on approach to Smolensk airport in western Russia.

Russian news agencies reported at least 87 people died in the crash near Smolensk airport in western Russia, citing the Russian Emergencies Ministry. They reported 132 people were aboard the Tupolev Tu-154.

Polish state news agency PAP said there were no survivors.

The crash occurred about 1.5 km from Smolensk airport in foggy conditions.

Salmond happy with TV poll debate

First Minister Alex Salmond said he was 'delighted' to be taking part in a live television clash with other top Scottish politicians. The SNP leader will go head to head with senior figures from labour, the tories and the libdems in Sky TV's Scottish election debate. He said that as the debate was being broadcast across the UK, it would allow viewers everywhere to "hear a real alternative to the phoney war of the London parties".

Teachers foil migrant gang's bus hijack bid

Make national citizen service compulsory, says Boris Johnson
London mayor calls on David Cameron to beef up Conservative policy during visit to Chelsea Pensioners

If The U.S. Economy Is Experiencing A Recovery Why Does It Seem Like Things Keep Getting Worse?
The talking heads on all the major news shows keep telling us that the U.S. economy is experiencing a recovery. Usually the term "recovery" is accompanied by a qualifier such as "jobless", but they continue to use the word recovery anyway. We are told that the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression is behind us and that the great American economic machine is roaring back to life and everything will be back to normal soon. So why does it seem like things keep getting worse? Why does it seem like the American Dream is out of reach for more Americans than ever? Why does it seem like economic pain is spreading to more families and more businesses?

Well, maybe it is because things are getting worse.

Election 'being dominated by vested interests'
Captains of industry accused of hijacking election for their own ends after National Insurance row dominates start of campaign

Why Are Silver Sales Soaring?
The U.S. Mint just reported another record, but this time it wasn’t for gold. The Mint sold more Silver Eagles in March and in the first quarter of the year than ever before. A total of 9,023,500 American Silver Eagles were purchased in Q110, the highest amount since the coin debuted in 1986.

US bank accounting 'masks true debt levels’
Major Wall Street banks are using accounting techniques similar to those utilised by Lehman Brothers in its final days to mask the size of their balance sheets at the end of reporting periods.

City that can't cope any more: While this Czech family are thrilled with their new council house, such largesse is ruining communities
Helena Horvatova is proud of her seven children. She lines them up in the back garden of her terrace house and explains that the youngest, aged four months, is called Kevin.
'It is a very British name. We want him to grow up British,' says the 27-year-old Czech mother, who arrived in Peterborough two weeks ago. In broken English, she continues: 'We came to Britain because we wanted a better life for all of our children.'
Mrs Horvatova pats little Kevin on his head, before plopping down on a battered bench in the middle of her garden, which is littered with rubbish.

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists”
The word “terrorist” has assumed numerous presumptive connotations over the decades, and this trend of “redefining” the vicious label to suit certain governmental needs has only intensified in recent years, especially since 9/11. Its graduation as widely used political terminology gives it an almost archetypal quality, because it has the ability to trigger abundant and subconscious emotional reactions in the populace. However, these reactions are usually based on mass delusions: false ideas of what terrorism is, what it is not, and who is actually guilty of these loosely classified crimes. It is a weighted word, filled with projections, biases, and faulty perceptions.

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits
NASA was able to put a man on the moon, but the space agency can't tell you what the temperature was when it did. By its own admission, NASA's temperature records are in even worse shape than the besmirched Climate-gate data.

Medics could have saved man who died in pinkie op

Police accused of box-ticking as officers told to get tough on ... public urination

Kenneth McKellar, who took Scots songs to the world, dies aged 82

Abusive election hopeful Stuart MacLennan derails Labour

Wellcome Trust surprise in RBS branch auction

Wellcome Trust, Britain's biggest charity, jolted the banking sector yesterday by revealing it had joined a private equity giant in an offer for the 300-plus branches being sold by the Royal Banks of Scotland.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

The Angry Exile, Upside Down Correspondent.

According to the late Ronald Reagan, speaking as US President in 1988, these nine words form one of the most worrying sentences one person can say to another. If, as the general election approaches, British voters want evidence for Reagan's astuteness there then they need look no further than Australia in 2010 and the Federal Government's Home Insulation Programme. The government men indeed came to help with 'handouts', and when they were finished 'helping' cowboy fitters had pockets full of taxpayer's cash,  hundreds of thousands of Australian homes ended up with substandard, badly fitted or simply unneeded loft insulation, more than a hundred houses were damaged by fire, thousands of jobs were put at risk* and four deaths had been linked to the programme.

Now in one sense, that of being an expat Brit who moved from a house with double glazing and several inches of insulation in the roof and wall cavities to one which is probably not much more thermally efficient than a tent, I can see where the Federal Government was coming from. Despite the winter minimum temperatures being typically a few degrees warmer than where I lived in the UK - probably more with the last couple of British winters covering the country in globally warmed snow - many here have a choice of either walking around inside their homes dressed almost for the outside or having an enormous gas bill sometime around September. Conversely in summertime fans, coolers and air conditioners mean higher electricity bills, and for much the same reason - houses seem not to be very well insulated compared to what us poms are used to.** This could so easily be 'Things I Still Don't Get About Australia - No 23' (in fact it will be) because when it comes to keeping beer and sausages cool until they're wanted Australians understand perfectly well that good insulation serves to keep areas of warmth and cold separate - all an Esky really is is a well insulated box and almost every Aussie home seems to have one. It's the extension of that to actually living in a much larger well insulated box that seems to be comparatively rare.

But while I understand where the Federal Government is coming from that doesn't make government intervention the answer, particularly when the decision is also influenced by its beliefs that warble gloaming demands energy efficiency (as if simply saving money isn't a good enough reason) and that the global financial crisis means government needs to spend money (taxpayers' money, natch) where it wants instead of allowing individuals to spend money where they want. This goes double when the government intervention takes the form of simply offering 'up to' $1,600 towards getting insulation fitted which would be paid directly to the company fitting it (link to PDF).

Under the Home Insulation Program the assistance is paid directly to the insulation installer, on behalf of the Householder, and $1,600 is expected to cover the cost of insulating an average home, so for most people there should be no more to pay.
The first thing that should have been expected from this is that many smaller jobs would now come in at around $1,600 regardless of size. The second is that having created an artificial boom in the supply and fitting of insulation it's natural that new companies would jump in to try and grab a share of all the taxpayer's money being hosed around. This is fine if the demand created by a subsidy becomes self sustaining, and I'm sure the wonks in Canberra hoped that this would happen, but if that doesn't occur by the time a subsidy scheme ends then suddenly, almost overnight really, the market is oversupplied. I'm no economist but this does not seem like A Good Thing from where I'm sitting. People like Tom Black, who started up an insulation installation company some months before the scheme began and who now faces bankruptcy, might well agree.
... Tom Black is due to be evicted from his home next week after the sudden closure of Kevin Rudd's $2.5 billion insulation scheme left his installation business without a single customer.


But Mr Black said that since the government suspended the scheme last month, business had dried up as customers waited for a new $1000 rebate program to start on June 1.


Mr Black said his business had failed through no fault of his own. He said while backpackers and others had come into the area and used sub-standard batts, or in some cases not installed insulation at all, he had done everything properly.

Mr Black said he was still owed $1600 by the government for an installation job last November. He said Assistant Climate Change Minister Greg Combet's office had told him they would try to ensure he was paid next week.

"By the end of the week it will be too late," he said.
Following on from the issue of new entries to the market, and mentioned in that article, is the third and most serious problem: that whenever the government gets out its chequebook almost inevitably cowboys and fraudsters are attracted in the hope that the government is too busy giving away taxpayers' money to look too carefully at the work it was supposed to pay for. Sure enough the Home Insulation Programme, despite supposed safeguards such as a government approved list of companies, saw everything. There was the merely deceitful, such as falsely telling people that insulation batts need to be replaced periodically. There was the fraudulent, such as submitting claims to the government for non-existent work. And there was the downright dangerous: fires blamed on ceiling downlights igniting the insulation and even whole roofs becoming electrified because of badly installed foil insulation.***

All this would have been avoided had the simpler option of taking less money from taxpayers been chosen instead. If householders have surplus money and high bills for heating their homes in winter and cooling them in summer then some will decide for themselves to get improved insulation, and some of their friends will do the same when the chat comes round to bills and how much insulation has reduced them by. Eventually insulation becomes the norm because word has got round that it makes financial sense for most homeowners. Unfortunately this becomes harder and harder when the government takes more and more money in tax in order to pay for subsidising its pet projects, and this is what happens in practice because governments like to take on these things and deal with them the way they deal with everything they think is a problem: bury it with money and hope it goes away.

Some might argue that lower tax will only benefit owner-occupiers and not renters since landlords might not bother spending their extra disposable income on insulation, but that assumes that well insulated properties would not then become more desirable (and perhaps attract slightly higher rents) than poorly insulated rentals. But even if you assume, as governments apparently tend to do, the mathematical impossibility that the whole population is of below average intelligence and therefore nobody can be trusted to decide for themselves how and on what they should spend any spare money they have, and that no landlords will choose to insulate their rental properties, is paying the subsidy to the fitter the best option? Looking at things from a wider point of view, by paying the fitters the government has put $2.5 billion of its stimulus into one small sector. Had the government taken the simpler option of taking $2.5 billion less tax that money would have been spread more or less evenly throughout the whole economy. Sure, money circulates and naturally plenty will go from the insulation fitters' pockets out into the wider economy, but that ignores the fact that there is always an administration cost with any subsidy. Simply taking less tax should require no extra administration and, with a little thought, might even mean administrative savings. Instead, having thrown $2.5 billion in a well intentioned but, as it turned out, ill considered and poorly controlled attempt to insulate more houses, the Federal Government has had to offer to pay for safety checks or remedial work on the 50,000+ houses where foil insulation was installed and a full audit of the standard of work carried out at 150,000 other properties. As much as $1,000 per house is being budgeted for the 50,000 or so homes where foil was used, which means more than $50 million for that alone (though some estimates are far higher). If the government is eventually forced to check all homes the cost will be substantial, since more than a million houses were insulated as part of the scheme.

This leads me to finish in the way I began, by quoting Ronald Reagan.
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Which also implies that there's often an unpleasant mess involved that then needs to be cleared up. Britons might want to consider this when the usual suspects stand up and say their government will be there to help.

* Of course it can be argued that some of those jobs may have existed only because of the scheme rather than because the market for home insulation demanded them. However, unsustainable jobs being created and then lost aren't really anything for a government to be proud of.
** I have to admit that this is something of an assumption on my part. Based on the house I live in, the loft of a much newer property that we looked at and the fact the Federal Government thought there was a need to subsidise loft insulation on such a large scale in the first place, I'm guessing that poor insulation is fairly common. So yes, an assumption, but I think it's a fair one.
*** Metal roofs are fairly common in Australia and are sometimes still used even on brand new houses despite costing more than concrete tiles.

Are you ready for a dose of reality?

For those of you who can handle a goodly dose of reality, you might be interested in what Alan Watt has to say:

6th April:

7th April:

8th April:

Visit Alan Watt's site for the documentation that backs up his arguments. You might want to purchase his wares once you're there. What I've seen so far is excellent.

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