Saturday, 3 April 2010
Public administration: Scandal fatigue
We now seem too fatigued to stir as we should when faced with cases of wrongdoing and official mismanagement
Posted by The Network at 20:18 0 comments
'Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK' announces panel of MPs
So, the results of the first Climategate enquiry are in. And guess what? It’s a word that begins with “W” and ending with “-hitewash.”
Over at Climateaudit, the mighty Steve McIntyre is furious. Among those he holds responsible is Nigel Lawson, for having given away territory he certainly had no right to cede on the subject of that now-infamous phrase “Mike’s Nature Trick.”
Digital Economy Bill reintroduces website blocking
Websites hosting pirated music or films could be blocked by the authorities, after the government reintroduced the measure to the Digital Economy Bill.
The plans, if approved, would allow ministers to permit injunctions that block websites illegally offering a "substantial amount" of material that is under copyright. But it would need to be demonstrated that any blocked site has a "serious adverse effect on businesses or consumers
Angus Reid/Sunday Express poll has Tory lead at 11% as voters slam Labour's record on immigration
Tomorrow's Sunday Express carries an opinion poll conducted by Angus Reid covering the usual voting intention question and several questions on immigration. The survey of 1,991 adults was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday.
Posted by The Network at 20:12 0 comments
Vince Cable pretends he's an economics guru (02Apr10)
Tax rise, tax rise, tax rise... the only mantra that New Labour and the LibDem's know. Vince Cable is interviewed critisising all the businesses and the Conservatives National Insurance income tax proposals. So the LibDem's have decided to show they have the same lack of economics intelligence and side with New Labour. Just like New Labour, Vince says ALL the businesses are wrong, and the government is right... only the government know what is right, and business don't know what they are talking about.
From Liarpoliticians
From cdr23d1
Posted by The Network at 19:48 0 comments
The Dangers of Nuclear War: U.S.-Russian Nuke Deal no Cure for Real Threat
BEIJING, April 2 --After nearly a year's negotiations, the U.S. and Russian governments finally reached an agree-ment on further reduction and limitation of nuclear weapon arms. The agreement will be signed on April 8, limiting the total number of warheads to less than 1,550. Overall, it is good for world peace and stability as well as the prevention of nuclear proliferation, but we shouldn't be over-optimistic about the treaty.
British People Put Last: Third of Hospitals to Cut Operations “Because of Budget Deficits” but War in Afghanistan and Foreign Aid Continues
A third of all National Health Service Trusts are cutting back the number of operations being performed because of “budget cuts” while both Tories and Labour have promised to intensify the £3 billion a year war in Iraq and increase the £9 billion foreign aid budget.
MPs begin the Climategate whitewash
The Commons committee seemed unable even to understand the evidence, says Christopher Booker
Is Your Life About To Change Drastically?
What Is Immigration’s Role in the Violent Crime Rate Rise?
Official figures have revealed that violent crime in Britain has risen by 44 percent since 1998, giving new focus to claims by various police chiefs that immigration is largely to blame for this spike.
The dawn of a new age of muckraking
Today, talking heads, corporations, governments, editors and publishers no longer make the definitive judgment on what is news and what is not. More than 100 years after Upton Sinclair wrote his muckraking book “The Jungle,” the tradition of muckraking has a new life on the Internet.
Posted by The Network at 19:11 0 comments
Obama Expands Military Involvement in Africa
When President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, it was widely expected that he would dramatically change, or even reverse, the militarized and unilateral security policy that had been pursued by the George W. Bush administration toward Africa and other parts of the world.
After one year in office, however, it is clear that the Obama administration is following essentially the same policy that has guided U.S. military policy toward Africa for more than a decade. Indeed, the Obama administration is seeking to expand U.S. military activities on the continent even further.
Foreign Governments Line Up to Buy U.S. Drones
RQ-4 Global Hawk Foreign buyers are itching for the opportunity to buy American-made pilotless reconnaissance aircraft, and the Department of Defense does not plan to get in the way, despite concerns that the military technology could fall into the wrong hands.
Banks have closed 434 branches in three years
Britain's high street banks have initiated a secret programme of branch closures in response to the global credit crisis, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Police clash with right-wing demonstrators during protest against plans for new mosque
Violent clashes broke out between riot police and right-wing protesters today during a demonstration against plans for a new mosque
At the mercy of the machete mob: The terrifying isolation and almost suicidal courage of Zimbabwe's white farmers
Posted by The Network at 18:40 0 comments
Betrayed: Iraq hero is placed behind criminals in queue for a home
Hero: Private Joe MacDonald and his family wanted a council house but were offered a room in a hostel instead
Fighting on the hellish battlefields of Iraq, he risked his life for his country every day. But when Private Joe MacDonald asked his local authority to help find his young family a house, his sacrifice counted for nothing.
Posted by The Network at 18:04 0 comments
Court OKs Repeated Tasering of Pregnant Woman (USA)
A federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers did not employ excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a visibly pregnant woman for refusing to sign a speeding ticket.
The lawyer representing Malaika Brooks said Monday that the court’s 2-1 decision sanctioned “pain compliance” tactics through a modern-day version of the cattle prod.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 15:13 0 comments
Labour poster attack on Tories backfires
Labour's latest attack on the Conservative Party in a poster depicting David Cameron as Gene Hunt, the star of Ashes to Ashes, has backfired after Conservative supporters adopted the image with a positive slogan
The world of Tony Blair Inc
A staff of 130, turnover in the tens of millions: Tony Blair has created enormous wealth, but nobody knows quite how.
Increase in Arctic ice confounds doomsayers - but does not spell the end of global warming, scientists warn
The amount of sea ice covering the Arctic dramatically increased last month, reaching levels not seen at this time of year for nearly a decade.
Returning ice - after years of declining cover - has astonished climate scientists who blamed unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea.
Researchers said they recorded the most ice in March since 2001 - and that the cover is approaching long-term average levels for the first time in ten years
(I've got 2 words to say to that- have a guess-ukws)
Labour's spoof poster of Cameron as 80s TV cop Gene Hunt backfires as he says he's 'flattered'
David Cameron today laughed off a new campaign poster unveiled by Labour portraying him as eighties TV detective Gene Hunt.
The new image is aimed at reviving memories of 1980s social unrest and youth unemployment.
It shows the Tory leader perched on an Audi Quattro, like Hunt in the hit BBC1 series Ashes to Ashes and appeals: 'Don't let him take Britain back to the 1980s.'
But Mr Cameron was unconcerned. Out and about in his constituency of Witney, Oxfordshire, he declared that he was actually 'flattered' by the comparison to Hunt.
Revenues from global vaccine market register UD$27 Billion
Vaccine has emerged as one of the most profitable business segments in the healthcare industry. The segment registered revenues of around US$ 27 Billion in 2009. The growth has been driven by the emergence of some new chronic diseases and increasing demand for seasonal flu vaccines. Besides, the future growth of the vaccine market is anticipated to be driven by launch of several new vaccines, increasing trend of routine immunization and increasing support from the governments of various countries.
Scientists stumped as bee population declines further
The decline in the US bee population, first observed in 2006, is continuing, a phenomenon that still baffles researchers and beekeepers.
Data from the US Department of Agriculture show a 29 percent drop in beehives in 2009, following a 36 percent decline in 2008 and a 32 percent fall in 2007.
This affects not only honey production but around 15 billion dollars worth of crops that depend on bees for pollination.
Posted by The Network at 13:59 0 comments
Somali pirates hijack Taiwan ship
NAIROBI - Somali pirates hijacked a Taiwanese ship off the coast of the Horn of African country with at least 14 crew members on board, a regional maritime official confirmed on Saturday.
Andrew Mwangura, East Africa Coordinator of Seafarers' Assistance Program (SAP), said the Jih Chun Tsai 68 vessel, which was seized by the Somali gunmen on Thursday, has Taiwanese and Indonesians on board.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 13:24 0 comments
General election 2010: National Insurance row 'destroys PM's economic claims'
Gordon Brown's sole claims that re-electing him Prime Minister would secure an economic recovery has "collapsed" after the National Insurance row, George Osborne said.
Police officers must face trial by jury
The ridiculous acquittal of a Met sergeant for striking a protester armed with a drink carton proves how important it is to try police officers by jury
Ireland Child Abuse Report Reveals Vatican, Police Cover-up Collusion
Ten EU Nations Set Precedent
Ten EU member nations move away from the rest in a landmark precedent.
Even though the payroll number was a farce this morning, 10 Year Tresury yields surged again. One year ago they were 2.77%. Today they are 3.92%. That is a 41% increase. Thank God there is no inflation. This economy and this country cannot withstand higher rates. The higher these rates go, the closer we get to the tipping point. The trade of the decade continues to be shorting LT US Treasuries.
Hire women or face legislation, MPs warn the City
Financial companies must make radical efforts to increase the number of women in senior management positions or face legal quotas, an influential Parliamentary committee has warned.
Ian Tomlinson RIP - Police Brutality
G20meltdown — 02 April 2010 — Ian Tomlinson's family, friends and supporters commemorate the anniversary of his tragic death. This video is posted with best wishes and sincere condolences.
Ian Tomlinson was beaten to death by the Metropolitan Police on the 1st April 2009, as masked police officers hid their identification numbers to avoid prosecution for the violence some officers openly boasted they planned to inflict on G20 protestors. Protestors who broke windows of the corrupt RBS bank during the G20 protest are already serving long prison sentences, while the officer who killed Ian Tomlinson remains free, protected by the Met and IPCC lying to the press and public, hiding CCTV evidence and deliberately delaying investigations.
The anniversary of Ian Tomlinson's death comes soon after Met Police officer Delroy Smellie was acquitted for attacking a female G20 protestor Nicola Fisher, acquitted on grounds that a 6'2" thug with a steel-core baton and body armour was "frightened" of a woman "armed" with a carton of fruit juice! The anniversary also comes soon after the authorities were forced to acquit, drop charges against, and pay compensation to several groups of protestors the Met Police arrested and attacked in or soon after the 2009 Gaza and G20 protests.
We are all grateful for police protection from burglars, thieves, rapists, paedos and terrorists etc, but why are the police allowed to break their own laws whenever and wherever they see fit?
Special thanks to the 2 young Muslim women who placed flowers at the scene of Ian Tomlinson's collapse.
GORDON BROWN’S slim chances of re-election suffered a substantial blow this week when the Conservatives announced they would scrap his national insurance rises.
Israel warns of new Gaza Strip assault after air raid
Global recovery 'runs out of steam' - accountants
THE global economic recovery has run out of steam, according to ACCA's (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) latest Global Economic Conditions survey, with confidence taking a hit and a return to solid economic growth moving further away.
Defra approves GM potato trial
After public consultation, Defra has given approval to Leeds University to conduct a research trial of GM potatoes this year. The research is on potatoes that have been genetically modified to resist infection by potato cyst nematodes.
7 Mutant Animals Created by (Mad) Science: Amazing or Disturbing?
Posted by The Network at 11:26 0 comments
Obama Is Doing What Hitler Did With The Nazis
(Quite Funny)
Posted by Anonymous at 08:53 0 comments
US voices 'concerns' over Australia's internet filter
The US government has voiced concerned over Australia's controversial plan to implement a countrywide internet filter.
War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire
WASHINGTON — Here's a war game involving Iran, Israel and the U.S. that shows how unintended consequences can spin out of control:
With diplomacy failing and precious intelligence just received about two new secret Iranian nuclear facilities, Israel launches a pre-emptive strike against Tehran's nuclear complex. The strike is successful, wiping out six of Iran's key sites and setting back its suspected quest for a bomb by years.
But what happens next isn't pretty
Millions of Swine Flu Vaccine Doses May Be Trashed
Officials Say Lessons Learned From Unusual Flu Season
Central Banks Stashing Away Gold at Brisk Pace
Central banks around the world added 425.4 metric tons of gold to their reserves last year, the biggest increase since 1964, according to the World Gold Council.
That represents a 1.4 percent gain to put their holdings at 30,116.9 tons in total. The increase was the first since 1988.
Posted by Anonymous at 08:42 2 comments
Rubbish: Householders could face a £50 hike in council tax
HOUSEHOLDERS could face a £50 hike in council tax after a secret Treasury charge to force people to recycle more.
Chancellor Alistair Darling slipped the new levy into his recent Budget almost unnoticed.
Twelve good men no longer guarantee truth
As crime gets more sophisticated, sometimes the jury system will not be able to cope
Posted by Anonymous at 08:25 0 comments
A SWINGEING rise in National Insurance will cost hospitals, schools and other public services more than £690million a year, it was revealed last night.
Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government
A family in Williamson County, Austin have lost custody of their 7-year-old son as part of a Child Protective Services investigation because the parents taught their children to mistrust the government, an action that deemed them to be “unsuitable parents,” according to charges leveled by police officers in CPS documents.
The Holly Greig Revolution is On
A Very Special Thanks From Hollie and Anne ...
'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man
Here is the kindly, distinguished inventor of the Gaia hypothesis interviewed in the Guardian, when asked how humans will ever manage to tackle ‘climate change’.
We need a more authoritative world. We’ve become a sort of cheeky, egalitarian world where everyone can have their say. It’s all very well, but there are certain circumstances – a war is a typical example – where you can’t do that. You’ve got to have a few people with authority who you trust who are running it. And they should be very accountable too, of course.
There Were 88 Media Companies. Now There Are 6
These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.
The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, nor have all the statements below been fully verified. However, the general overview provided appears to be accurate.
Tent Slums Spring Up in America
Concentrations of homeless people are nothing new in America, but recent BBC and Los Angeles Times reports depict a rising trend of shanty slums, such as a "city" of newly homeless people living in tents near the Ontario airport in Los Angeles.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed by Congress has within it the requirement that all people thereunder shall be microchiped. The plans for this microchipping have been in the hopper going back to December of 2004.
Witness the actual FDA (Food and Drug Administration) document dated December 10, 2004 entitled “Class II Special Guidance Document: Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient Identification and Health Information. This ten page document may be read on the FDA website at
Lunatics in charge of the asylum: gold, greed and deceit
Obama's approval rating hits another record low
According to a poll conducted by CBS News, Barack Obama's overall job approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 44 percent
George Osborne: business revolt has destroyed case for Gordon Brown
Shadow chancellor promises no new cuts in first year of David Cameron government
Posted by Anonymous at 07:55 0 comments
What War with Iran Means
“Diplomacy has failed,” Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told AIPAC, “Iran is on the verge of becoming nuclear and we cannot afford that.”
“We have to contemplate the final option,” said Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., “the use of force to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.”
War is a “terrible thing,” said Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., but “sometimes it is better to go to war than to allow the Holocaust to develop a second time.”
Graham then describes the war we Americans should fight:
Personal Data on Nearly 1,000 British Muslim Students Given to CIA
University College London, one of the most prestigious colleges in the world, is under fire today amid the revelation that it handed the data of nearly 1,000 Muslim students, members of the college’s Islamic Society, to British police who in turn forwarded the information to the CIA.
The Gold Market is a Ponzi Scheme
We've had a string of amazing revelations recently regarding the world's precious metals market. This is important stuff for anyone (like me) who holds gold as a means to avoid currency turmoil and counterparty risk
Financial Fraud and the Economic Crisis
A Cavalcade of U.S. Corruption Is Finally Being Scrutinized
Herman Van Rompuy: British politicians must win over public about EU
British politicians must win over a sceptical Uk public about the European Union, according to Herman Van Rompuy, the most senior man in Brussels.
Catholic Abuse Hotline Overrun Amid New Allegations
Catholic Church's New Sexual Abuse Hotline Received Nearly 4,500 Calls on Opening Day
“My Free Speech Is Not Negotiable.”
Posted by Anonymous at 07:32 0 comments
PC brigade set to invade classrooms
Posted by subrosa at 00:20 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 00:18 0 comments
Cardinal O'Brien apologises in Easter address for sexual abuse
Posted by subrosa at 00:16 0 comments
Senior officer wants police funding pool
Posted by subrosa at 00:12 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 00:10 0 comments
Trump's Tiger-taming course revealed
Posted by subrosa at 00:08 0 comments
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