Labour hit by cancer leaflet row
LABOUR has become embroiled in a row about the use of personal data after sending cancer patients alarmist mailshots saying their lives could be at risk under a Conservative government.
The fight against eco-imperialism
It is not acceptable to use climate change as an excuse to limit growth in poor countries as the west's carbon emissions rise
Johnson & Johnson Pushed Drugs on Seniors, Suit Alleges
Drug company allegedly conspired with pharmaceutical consulting company
A lawsuit filed last week accuses Johnson & Johnson of conspiring with pharmaceutical consultant Omnicare in an effort to push J&J drugs on nursing home residents, and violating federal Medicaid laws in the process.
As a result of the scheme, "residents were overcharged for their medications, had additional medications administered and were unlawfully switched to Johnson & Johnson drugs," all in the name of increasing revenue, according to the lawsuit.
The suit, filed in federal court in California, says Omnicare -- which "occupies a 'dual' role of a dispensing pharmacy and consulting pharmacy" -- gave certain J&J drugs "elevated status as the default drug of choice" for thousands of nursing home patients. J&J allegedly gave Omnicare "performance rebates" -- essentially kickbacks -- in return for its services. This arrangement was memorialized in a 1997 "Supply Agreement" between the two companies, the suit states.
The agreement provided that the two companies would "meet quarterly to review their joint 'business plan' and 'performance goals,'" and came up with a novel way to deal with the performance-rebates: they would be treated as year-end bonuses.
Iran Accuses NATO Chief Rasmussen Of Warmongering
Iran rejects NATO chief's claims
The Iranian embassy in Copenhagen has responded to the NATO chief's recent claims about Tehran's nuclear program, calling them "misleading false assumptions".
"The former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Wednesday article, which raised some issues about Iran, was full of misinterpretations, ill-intent, and false accusations about Tehran's peaceful nuclear and missile activities," the embassy said in a statement.
"He, like others who seek any opportunity to spread their warmongering views, has one again resorted to preconceptions, lies and deception," it added.
Obama’s Lies About Iran
The Peace Prize winner in the White House continues to beat the drums of war with Iran, in perfect synch with the corporate media orchestra. “The New York Times was made privy to what has been called a ‘parlor game,’ of ‘Imagining an Israeli Strike on Iran’” – apparently in the spirit of the old motivational slogan, “If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.”
“It is Obama who will instigate a conflict that the much-hated Bush would not.”
Under the Disguise of Counterterrorism: Obama Expands U.S. Military Ops in Africa
NAIROBI. Amid a surge in big oil strikes in Africa and the threat of growing al-Qaida penetration in the north and east, President Barack Obama is expanding U.S. military involvement across the continent.
Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?
“We are ruled not by two parties but one party,” Cynthia McKinney, who ran for president on the Green Party ticket, told me. “It is the party of money and war. Our country has been hijacked. And we have to take the country away from those who have hijacked it. The only question now is whose revolution gets funded.”
Richard Dawkins plans to arrest the Pope for 'crimes against humanity'
Pope Benedict XVI faces a legal ambush by two atheist campaigners for 'crimes against humanity'
Two leading atheist campaigners are planning a legal ambush to have the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain for 'crimes against humanity'.
Disasters Are BIG 'Business'... Where's the Haiti-Bound Money?
"A sweeping exercise in nation-building on a scale and scope not seen in generations," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of the international donors conference on March 31 in New York, where foreign nations and other international institutions pledged $5.3 billion toward Haiti over the next 18 months, of which $1.15 billion comes from the US government taxpayers.
Jobless Benefits... 33 States Out of Money
A total of 33 states and the Virgin Islands have depleted their funds and borrowed more than $38.7 billion to provide a safety net, according to a report released Thursday by the National Employment Law Project. Four others are at the brink of insolvency.
US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015
• Shortfall could reach 10m barrels a day, report says
• Cost of crude oil is predicted to top $100 a barrel
Children speaking English in minority in 1,500 schools
Children with English as their home language are among the minority of pupils in more than 1,500 schools across England.
Tories plans crackdown on 'home invaders'
State officials would have their powers to enter people's homes cut dramatically under Conservative proposals announced today.
Gold Market Flashing Debt Crisis Warning
Gold’s rally last week to as high as $1,156 an ounce has an important message for all of us: It’s telling us that all is not well with the world and that something major is brewing out there.
Euro Crisis, Greek Bonds Crashing and Capital Flight as Default Risks Soar
It’s been two weeks since the bailout speculation surrounding the Achilles’ heel of the euro zone, Greece, has had some closure.
European officials kept the balls in the air as long as they could in an attempt to distract speculators … to manage fears of a Greek and euro-zone crisis. It was a carefully orchestrated game of confusion
The Cover-Ups That Exploded
The Pentagon is reeling after two lethal episodes uncovered by diligent journalism show trigger-happy U.S. Army helicopter pilots and U.S. Special Forces slaughtering civilians, then seeking to cover up their crimes
The Guy Who Brought Down AIG - and Maybe the World Economy - Gets Off Scott-Free, and Gets to Keep $315 Million in Loot
Jospeh Cassano, the guy who brought down AIG - and maybe the world economy - with trillions in risky derivatives deals which AIG couldn't back up, is getting prosecuted ... and the government will claw back all the money he made, right?
Uh, no.
In reality, Cassano is walking away scott-free with $315 million.
Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers
To U.N. Climate Representatives In Bonn: No One Believes The Bullshit Any Longer - Go Home, Please
The United Nations has always been a byzantine institution of little value and of extraordinary waste. The recent U.N. sponsored climate studies and conferences have certainly provided ample evidence of these traits, with the U.N. consumed only with a political agenda of gaining a world governance position for itself that controlling CO2 emissions would facilitate.
“The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen,” the New York Times reports. And yes, those are cheers you hear over the drums, erupting from the same neocons who applauded torture and Gitmo. That’s because the intended victim is “the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki…who was born in New Mexico and spent years in the United States as an imam” but who is now “hiding in Yemen.”
The End of the Internet as We Know It in Britain
On April 8, the lords who pretend to represent the people in Britain (instead of large corporations and banks) passed the Digital Economy bill. The bill sets the stage for enforcing draconian measures for internet users. CNet UK runs down the down side. I summarize.
America is No Longer Free
Habeas corpus -- it's your most fundamental legal right, your right to go to a court and get an order requiring the government to prove that it is holding you in prison with proper legal authority to do so. Without that right, one necessarily lives in a dictatorship. President Bush today on October 17, 2006 signed a bill repealing that law, meaning that the administration need not comply or show compliance with law any more with regard to who goes to prison or Gitmo
Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?
UK, April 11, 2010 (Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) - As everyone knows there has been nothing in the mainline media regarding Hollie Greig but we at the Palestine Telegraph always look for any opportunity to bring her name back on the front page. Since my last article on Hollie, the movement (Hollie’s Army) has been progressively growing stronger and exceeded 25,000 this week
Israel could opt for Nuke Strikes on Iran
TEL AVIV, Israel, April 8 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, may have signed a landmark arms-control treaty, but a U.S. think tank is suggesting Israel could resort to using tactical nuclear weapons to destroy Iran's deeply buried nuclear facilities.
Blood on Their Hands: Decades of Labour/Tory Political Correctness Has Terrorised Britain
Decades of Labour and Tory-created political correctness is the reason why a Bolton man killed himself after making an innocent joke to a black friend which was then used to launch an investigation of “racial abuse.”
IEA warns that both Labour and Tories underestimate spending cuts
Thatcher's think tank says a total financial overhaul is required and that the deficit can be slashed without raising tax burden
Voters tell Brown and Cameron: Stop lying to us!
The latest polls put Labour and Conservatives close enough for the Tories to be 15 seats short of a majority. More worryingly, people believe neither Labour nor Tory leaders are being honest

Sunday, 11 April 2010
Organs removed without consent: Coincidence?
Do you recall, in 2008, when Brown hatched an organ donor scheme whereby, if you didn't explicitly opt out, and you snuffed it, your organs could be taken - without the NHS obtaining permission from your relatives. Implied consent.
The public was outraged, so the government quietly let the matter drop.
Or did it?
We now find that due to an alleged IT 'blunder', they've been whisking out people's organs, anyway - without consent from the 'donor' or permission from the donor's relatives.
Bear in mind that:
- they know that we know that their IT systems are lamentable;
- the organ donor business is big business;
- this government paid councils to for each child removed from its parents - i.e., no scruples.
Posted by Anonymous at 16:11 2 comments
Labels: follow the money, Organ donor scandal, Rotten Labour government
Brown is completely unfit to have power as he abuses and misuses it for selfish reasons.
He is a very psychologically weak person. Deep down within himself he is very insecure.
So he compensates for this by getting POWER over others.
He craves POWER over others and the feeling of importance it gives him, like a gambler needs his gambling, druggies need their drugs and alcoholics need their alcohol.
He has a serious medical problem.
This has caused him to spend a lifetime from his very early years routinely lying, cheating, bullying and indulging in all manner of other rotten, dirty human behaviour to get his supremacy. Like any other person suffering from an obsession he will do ANYTHING to satisfy his craving.
It is well known that the obsessions of gambling, drug addiction and alcoholism corrupt the soul, and corrupt it absolutely. Brown’s obsession and craving for power and importance has had the same effect on him.
If he once knew the meaning of honour, truth and decency, he has lost it now - as almost invariably happens to long term gamblers and alcoholics.
He is so determined, indeed desperate, to have and keep power over others that he does not care what damage is caused to them.
This person has lived his whole life lying, cheating and bullying. He will say the complete opposite of the truth and stare you in the face with a synthetic and practised look of total sincerity.
This lying and cheating and bullying has gone on for so long that his very being, the very depth of his nature, is now corrupted and he lives in a dark, murky world of hate and selfishness.
He does not want power to do anything with it. He does not want power to help his fellow man. For him, he wants power to fill the hole in his soul. For him, power over others is an end in itself.
He invariably gets what he wants because, unlike normal healthy people, he spends all his time obsessively thinking about getting his own way.
His every thought seems to be geared to getting more power for himself, and creates human unhappiness wherever he goes.
He uses everyone for his own purposes, and creates human unhappiness wherever he goes.
He makes government policy serve his own interests and not the interests of the people or of the country, and creates human unhappiness wherever he goes.
He sees everything in terms of what is good for him personally, and creates human unhappiness wherever he goes.
There is always an ulterior motive to everything he does; the great mistake is to take at face value any reasons he gives for doing anything, for it is invariably wrong and a deceit.
He introduces government policies as a form of public relations - merely to create the IMPRESSION of something favourable to him. It is difficult to think of many policies brought in by this man which have been for the benefit of others. Almost always they have been brought in either to make him look good or to outmanoeuvre his opponents. When the headline has been achieved, implementation has not mattered. It did not matter whether the policy worked or not. As a result, his policies and/or the implementation of them have been flawed, and they have often been actively counterproductive.
Things are not done well simply because the leader’s mind is not on the job, for he is thinking all the time how to turn every situation to his own personal advantage; he is only thinking about policies which benefit him personally.
This creature has had such unrestrained power for so many years, that he has been able to corrupt and subvert the very nature of the machinery of government (particularly through the use of political targets and the political commissars introduced at high levels in every government department) so that now the primary duty and purpose of all government departments and all public bodies is to serve the POLITICAL interests of the ruling party - which means in effect, Brown. Government is now run not for the interests of the people or even for the interests of those affected by government - but for HIS interests.
Power has now been concentrated to an unprecedented degree in his hands. And what has he done with it? He has used it for his own benefit.
As a result he has corroded and degraded all aspects of our society. This man is a CURSE on all decent people.
The deep and unpardonable crime of the MSM is that they knew all this but allowed it to happen and to continue.
Because his motivation is so selfish, whatever he touches, he corrupts - like a fly spreads disease wherever it walks. It is its nature.
It was the country’s deepest misfortune to have someone of this nature exercising almost limitless powers for some thirteen years.
This is a very immature person. He has such lack of self-control that when he feels threatened his temper is monstrous, his bullying is famous and notorious, his lying is systemic and natural, his cheating and deceit is second nature.
He has a frightening capacity to hate, he REALLY hates anyone who crosses him, or threatens him.
His ability to keep grievances and resentment is legendary.
He will say anything to achieve his goals. If that does not work, he will say the opposite the following week.
If this deeply malicious and malignant creature feels threatened by someone, his instinct is to destroy them with any means he has. He will use his team of professional liars to say ANYTHING against the other person to cast doubt on the integrity of the person concerned, in the hope that this will undermine the messenger so badly that the message is weakened.
This is not a normal person, this is a warped and monstrous person.
He should be receiving medical treatment but, dammit, he runs the government.
He will accuse his opponents of doing the same dirty, selfish things he does.
He will accuse his opponents of having the same dirty, selfish motives he has.
It is quite simple to know this odious man’s own true actions, thoughts or motives - you just listen to what he says about others.
Exhibiting this level of hating, holding grievances, lying, cheating, anger, concern for self over others, intent to deliberately hurt and destroy for selfish reasons, misuse of power over others for self is not an indicator of a good person; in fact it is an indicator of a rotten, evil person.
Some people think he is incompetent - but this is to misread him.
It is not good enough to call him the “Prime Mentalist”. No, the disease is much deeper than that. It is much more serious than that.
He has the mentality of a crime boss. A person endlessly seeking total power over others for self. A totalitarian.
He will not stop seeking more and more power.
He is like a parasitic lifeform sucking the life energy out of others for his own advantage; needing to feed on others to sustain himself.
It is not known if he was ever capable of having normal emotions, but if he did, this seems to have gone, as he has spent a lifetime twisting them by faking feelings to achieve an advantage, living a life of deceiving others, pretending something to gain an advantage. He fakes decency, but it does not seem that he really feels it. He just turns faked emotions on - then just as quickly turns them off. That is why he looks so weird when he smiles, because it is not genuine.
This monster just has no understanding of Honesty except as a weakness in an opponent which he can exploit.
He is quite unable to stop, for if this person ever lost power over others he would psychologically implode.
Such people are so psychopathic, so immature, so undeveloped, that they should always be kept away from all power over others, as they ALWAYS misuse it.
Such entities are deeply dangerous and damaging to all they meet for they are always seeking to secure a personal advantage.
Such people never stop their malignant behaviour on their own accord - they have to be actively STOPPED by others. Will he ever be stopped?
If this hellish person is not stopped he will continue concentrating power in his own hands and getting more and more power over individuals to feed his own needs, and this country will be turned into a tyranny and a nightmare.
If he wins the election, he will complete the changes he has already gone so far with, and will so completely change the face of this country that he will be unstoppable.
Brown must be removed NOW at all costs - or it will be too late.
Posted by Anonymous at 15:45 34 comments
IEA warns that both Labour and Tories underestimate spending cuts
Thatcher's think tank says a total financial overhaul is required and that the deficit can be slashed without raising tax burden.
Indonesian students throw shoes at pictures of President Obama
IMF warns high public debt "tremendous" challenge
IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said on Saturday that public debt in the advanced economies is set to increase significantly and reversing the rise would be a "tremendous" challenge
Debt - A conspiracy of silence
Britain is in a far worse financial crisis than many realise. Drastic action is needed, says venture capitalist Jon Moulton in the first of a series unpicking the issues The IoS believes matter most
Soros Says Pound Devaluation Is Option for Next U.K. Government
Billionaire investor George Soros said the next U.K. government after the May 6 election should decide whether to allow a further devaluation of the pound to rebalance the economy and assist the recovery
America's Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons
A war can be won without being waged. Victory can be attained when an adversary knows it is vulnerable to an instantaneous and undetectable, overwhelming and devastating attack without the ability to defend itself or retaliate.
Heavy industry claims carbon emission targets are 'death by a thousand cuts
'• EU aims to cut emissions by a fifth in 2020 against 2005 levels
• Manufacturers warn higher carbon taxes will drive firms abroad
Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule
Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene rules introduced by the NHS to restrict the spread of hospital superbugs.
Bonn or bust – The UN’s last, desperate bid for unelected world government
There are not many empty seats in the dismal, echoing conference chamber in the ghastly concrete box that is the Hotel Maritim here in Bonn, where the UN’s latest attempt to maneuver the 194 States Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change gets underway today.
Gendercide: China’s shameful massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30m more men than women
In the cruel old China, baby girls were often left to die in the gutters. In the cruel modern China, they are aborted by the tens of millions, using all the latest technology.
There is an ugly new word for this mass slaughter: gendercide.
THE Tories will slam the door on Gordon Brown’s state snoopers by stopping officials entering your home on a whim.
The Conservative manifesto guarantees inspections of property cannot be carried out without a magistrate’s warrant.
Posted by The Network at 08:34 0 comments
Posted by subrosa at 07:22 0 comments
Labels: swearing
Labour puts time limit on dole
Posted by subrosa at 07:19 0 comments
Labels: benefits, General Election, Labour
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