Chomsky Warns Of Risk Of Fascism In America
Noam Chomsky, the leading leftwing intellectual, warned last week that fascism may be coming to the United States.
“I’m just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler’s speeches on the radio,” he said, “and I have a memory of the texture and the tone of the cheering mobs, and I have the dread sense of the dark clouds of fascism gathering” here at home.
“The level of anger and fear is like nothing I can compare in my lifetime,” he said.
Britain needs to spend £500bn on infrastructure, says IoD
Britain needs to spend at least £500bn on infrastructure over the next decade if it is to maintain its economic competitiveness, according to the Institute of Directors (IoD).
Britons' economic confidence tumbles as election looms
Confidence among Britons tumbled 11pc in March as the looming election heightened uncertainty.
The Transnational Homeland Security State and the Decline of Democracy
As the western world is thrown into debt bondage and the harsh reality of the draconian economic ‘reforms’ to follow, a social collapse seems increasingly inevitable. We will soon witness the collapse of western ‘civilization’. The middle classes of the west will dissolve into the lower labour class. The wealthy class, already nearly at par with the middle class in terms of total consumption, will become the only consuming class.
'Civil unrest' warning over 'un-Christian' rulings
A top judge was warned that court rulings against Christian workers risk causing “civil unrest” as he heard the case of a relationship counsellor who was sacked after refusing to give sex advice to homosexual couples
Ministry spends £11,000 on fortune cookies
Civil servants spent £11,000 of taxpayers' money on fortune cookies, it has been disclosed
Hating the government finally goes mainstream
Three years ago, the Republican establishment piled scorn on the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul.
Today, he is in a statistical tie with President Obama in 2012 polling
Going for broke in L.A.?
Unless pension costs can be brought under control, the city may face bankruptcy.
Climategate: CRU whiter than – er – whitewash, as world laughs at AGW scam apologists
Well, we all knew it would be a second whitewash of CRU and its climate alarmist pseudo-data; but even the most hard-headed sceptics among us probably thought that Lord Oxburgh’s inquiry would be a tad more sophisticated in its brushwork, that it would make some effort to persuade rather than patronise, that its bland conclusions would be a little less blatant and in-your-face.
Australia faces huge locust plague
Farmers across the Australian Outback have been warned of a potential explosion of locusts in the coming months, after a plague of millions of the grasshopper-like insects swept across four states earlier this month
Here's The Real Impact Of The Volcano Ash Crisis In Europe
We've already told you about the trail of volcanic ash halting flights across Europe, but the impact is going to be felt in more ways than flight cancellations.
The impact of this eruption is not going to just be felt today.
The volcanic ash could linger in the atmosphere for 6 months causing disruptions to travel in Europe throughout the time period.
This eruption isn't likely to end today. Previous eruptions of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano lasted for 12 months.
Across The Country, Americans Rage Against Taxes
Today is tax day and TeaPparty organizations are protesting the size of government across the country.
We've brought together some of the best protest photos from the day, including the funny and the more serious.
I Make Your Microsoft Gadgets In China, And My Life Is Miserable And Exhausting
The account comes from a report titled China's Youth Meet Microsoft. It was originally published by the National Labor Committee, which says its mission "is to help defend the human rights of workers in the global economy."
It describes the conditions of a worker in a factory owned by a company called KYE. Importantly, KYE makes gadgets for more companies than just Microsoft
Meet the new world disorder
There is a conspiracy to enslave all civilians on the planet in progress.
It goes by the names of: the new world order, the military-industrial complex and globalization
IMF chief warns: Global Banks Setting Up New Bigger Collapse
USAToday reports IMF’s managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warning investors that global banks are still clueless. They “remain saddled with too many toxic securities and have not yet shown an understanding of the need to embrace far-reaching operational reforms … Bad loans must be disposed of before banks can play their customary role in financing economic growth.” So what’s new? Sounds like they’re trapped, as always, in the same old mindset of blind greed and hyper-optimism. The IMF boss, a French economist, did made specific comments that suggest our “too-political-to-fail” banks are setting the world up for another, more lethal meltdown … and possibly the dreaded “Great Depression 2″ that we recently dodged
Euro slides as investors turn against Greece
The euro fell for the first time in five days and Greek bonds tumbled on Thursday on fears that the EU-IMF bail-out agreed at the weekend may not prevent the region's debt crisis spreading.

Thursday, 15 April 2010
War of words over election debate
A war of words erupted over the rules for the historic first televised leaders' debate just hours before the three contenders were due to step out in front of the cameras.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 19:09 0 comments
Robert Green Rearrested!
Robert Green, who has been working so hard to exposed the case of Hollie Greig, has been rearrested and taken to Stonehaven Sherrif’s Court. This has been confirmed by Seargent Adam Bulger of Warrington Police, who refused to address my concerns over Robert’s safety, despite my pointing out that he has gone back to the very courts that he has made allegations about.
We seem to have a situation that people simply get arrested and no-one is told – just like the Gestapo.
In case you would like to phone Warrington police to ask about Robert’s welfare, the number you need to call is 0845 458 0000.
And in case you would like to also give Grampian police a call, their number is 0845 600 5700.
Can you also get on to your MP, who, I’m sure, would be willing to help under present circumstances, no?
When you call either of these numbers, please remember to remain calm and polite. Huge public concern needs to be expressed to Warrington, who assisted in Robert’s arrest, and on Grampian. Could you please make sure you highlight your concerns for his safety because he has been working to expose paedophiles.
We will update this page as events progress.
Posted by The Network at 16:30 0 comments
Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea
There are no naked pre-cogs inside glowing jacuzzis yet, but the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice will use analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents, putting potential offenders under specific prevention and education programs. Goodbye, human rights!
They will use this software on juvenile delinquents, using a series of variables to determine the potential for these people to commit another crime. Depending on this probability, they will put them under specific re-education programs. Deepak Advani—vice president of predictive analytics at IBM—says the system gives "reliable projections" so governments can take "action in real time" to "prevent criminal activities?"
Posted by The Network at 13:30 0 comments
Tiger Woods ‘heads for divorce’ as furious wife flies off
Tiger Woods appears to be heading for divorce after losing the battle to save his marriage, according to reports in the United States.
The golfer's wife Elin Nordegren is said to have refused to join Woods in Georgia last weekend to see him make his sporting comeback at the US Masters, despite the fact that he had rented a house for her and their two children.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 12:52 0 comments
Disabled caravanner prosecuted for keeping penknife in his car to use on picnics
A disabled caravanner who kept a penknife in his glove compartment to use on picnics has blasted the authorities after being dragged through court for possessing an offensive weapon
US Library of Congress to archive all messages sent on Twitter
The US Library of Congress has announced plans to digitally archive all the billions of messages sent on Twitter since its launch four years ago.
The new climate change defence: 'Yes, it's getting colder, but it's not as cold as it would be without global warming'
There’s a wonderful little nugget in today’s Telegraph, where Professor Mike Lockwood, a space physicist at Reading University, predicts that we’re about to go through the coldest winters for 300 years. But, he says, they’d be even colder if it weren’t for global warming. So the climate changers get to have their cake and eat it.
FBI launch investigation as shocking footage of police beating a student provokes outrage across the U.S.
A shocking video of police beating a student has provoked outrage across America and led to a probe by the FBI into alleged police brutality.
John McKenna is still recovering from his injuries after three officers clad in riot gear assaulted him with batons as he offered no resistance
Gunshots Fired In Immediate Aftermath Of Polish Plane Crash
Authorities are keen to keep eyewitnesses away from the scene and shots are heard in the immediate aftermath of the Polish plane crash.
Pakistan air strike 'kills 71
refuses to confirm deaths as local government pays out compensation to victims' families
Robert Green and Hollie Greig Update
Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control
Drug and chemical giant Bayer AG has admitted that there is no way to stop the uncontrolled spread of its genetically modified crops.
Obama Threatens Iran with Nuclear War
In his latest statements, President Obama has expressively warned Iran against an imminent nuclear strike. The surprising remarks by the politician who snatched the Nobel Peace Prize for his conciliatory stance in recent years, violated the UN Charter and astounded public opinion.
Taxpayers will fund £300,000 of Lord Sugar's Labour donations
Lord Sugar’s £400,000 donation to the Labour Party has been widely reported but relatively few people realise that taxpayers will pick up part of the bill for this act of altruism – just as would be the case with any wealthy person’s political donations.
Morgan Stanley: A Eurozone Collapse Is Now Far More Likely, Here Are The Canaries To Watch Out For
The latest Global Monetary Analyst raises the notion of stronger Eurozone nations ditching the euro in order to form a stronger, smaller currency union
Foreclosures Surge To Highest Level Ever In March, As Banks Finally Quit Pretending
7 million households are behind on their mortgages. Now that the worst of the financial crisis appears to be over, banks are finally stepping up the foreclosure process again
Coldest weather in 30 years marks the start of a series of extreme winters
After enduring the coldest winter for 30 years, you might have been hoping for some respite from the cold weather.
Posted by The Network at 12:33 0 comments
Green Party to launch election manifesto
The Green Party will launch its General Election manifesto today hoping to capitalise on voter dissatisfaction with the main political parties and win its first parliamentary seat.
Party leader Caroline Lucas, standing for the top target seat of Brighton Pavilion, will unveil the policy package in the south coast resort.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:36 0 comments
Labels: green party, manifesto
Charity's legal bid to name terror suspect
The charity Reprieve is today launching a legal battle to force the British Government to name a suspected terrorist who is being held in Afghanistan.
The man, who Reprieve today said is thought to be Yunus Rahmatullah, was one of two alleged terrorists captured by British soldiers in Iraq in February 2004.
They were handed to the US authorities, who flew them to Afghanistan where it is thought they are being held at Bagram Air Base.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the Data Protection Act prevents it from disclosing their names.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 10:23 0 comments
Mephedrone stocks seized before ban
Retailers are being asked to hand over stocks of the party drug mephedrone before it becomes illegal.
Council-employed trading standards officers in Norfolk have confiscated plant food believed to contain the drug and staff in Haringey, north London, have visited shops which they believe are selling it.
Councillor Paul Bettison, from the Local Government Association, said: "Council staff have not been idle ahead of the change in the rules. Work has been taking place to ensure supplies of mephedrone are handed over to the authorities so that this potentially damaging drug is cleared from shelves as quickly as possible."
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 09:12 1 comments
Volcano ash closes UK airports
Airline passengers are facing massive disruption after ash from Iceland's volcanic eruption moves towards UK airspace causing a number of airports to close.
Newcastle, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Belfast airports are shut and five easyJet flights due to depart from Stansted Airport have been cancelled as a result of the huge plume of ash.
Posted by The Filthy Engineer at 08:56 0 comments
28 per cent of prisoners leaving jail on drugs
Posted by subrosa at 07:40 0 comments
Bitter rivalry in the seat nobody understands
Posted by subrosa at 07:33 0 comments
Labels: Scotland
Posted by subrosa at 07:31 0 comments
Crude Oil Shatters Record Volume in Nymex Trading
Crude oil futures trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the world’s most actively traded commodity contract, reached a volume record today.
Oil trading on the Nymex was estimated at 1.42 million contracts, the equivalent of 1.42 billion barrels of oil, Mary Haffenberg, a spokeswoman for CME Group Inc., the world’s largest futures exchange and the owner of Nymex, said in an e- mail. The official total will be released tomorrow, she said
£500 energy bills landing on doormats
Record energy bills of more than £500 have been landing on their doormats in recent days after the coldest winter in a generation
BEFORE November 2010 Elections a Special Army Unit of 80,000 Troops to be Deployed on American Soil!!!
In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as 'Consequence Management Response Force' will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President Obama
'Walnuts Are Illegal Drugs'!... Say FDA
The FDA has determined that walnuts sold by Diamond Foods cannot be legally marketed because the walnuts “are not generally recognized as safe and effective” for the medical conditions referenced on Diamond Foods’ website...
According to the FDA, these walnuts are now classified as “drugs” and the “unauthorized health claims” cause them to become “misbranded,” thus subjecting them to government “seizure or injunction.”
Killing You with Drugs: Legally
In 2008, the FDA required all anticonvulsant drugs to have a warning label that disclosed a two-fold increased risk of suicide. However, warning labels are rarely effective. They simply enable drug companies to continue to sell what many experts feel to be dangerous drugs, while having the safeguard of a disclaimer.
Greece Emergency Debt Bailout Signals New Stage in Global Economic Crisis
Stefan Steinberg writes: The economic crisis precipitated by the crash of Lehman Brothers in 2008 is entering a new stage, as European states hastily organise their first-ever bailout of a member of the European Union. The frantic efforts at the weekend to cobble together a European rescue package for Greece in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund came after intense pressure from rating agencies and intensified speculation by traders betting that the Greek government would default on its debt obligations.
YouTube now gone Orwellian – Now requires SMS from every new Registrant
Another Notice: If you don’t want to live in a police state I suggest boycott Google after calling them and telling them that until they stop the SMS verification or make it optional that you won’t ever use a Google product or else one day Google may require a Social Security Number just to use an account
McCain Wants to “Pull Trigger” On Iran
Tea Party Sarah’s favorite senator, John McCain, wants to “pull the trigger” on Iran.
Consumer confidence has sharpest fall since start of recession
Consumer confidence plunged last month at the sharpest rate since the beginning of the recession amid growing uncertainty over the election.
Posted by The Network at 07:22 0 comments
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