Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Methadone for addicts costs £16m a year
Posted by subrosa at 23:17 0 comments
Shake-up in teaching of English and maths
Posted by subrosa at 23:15 0 comments
Climate researchers 'secrecy' criticised – but MPs say science remains intact (U.tv)
MPs today strongly criticised the University of East Anglia for not tackling a "culture of withholding information" among the climate change scientists whose private emails caused a furore after being leaked online in November.
But the committee did not condemn the actions of Prof Phil Jones, the head of UEA's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) because it said he should have been better supported by the university in dealing with requests for data under the Freedom of Information Act. It added that the scientific reputation of Jones and the CRU was untarnished.
Source: EU Referendum
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 22:51 5 comments
Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates (USA -Infowars)
The Southern Poverty Law Center (or as I like to call it, ADL South), has published a post on yet another group of people it hates (because it doesn’t fit into the SPLC’s socialist view of the world): FEMA conspiracy theorists.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 22:44 0 comments
Top public schools 'fail' new inspections -Telegraph
Leading public schools are among dozens of independent schools which have "failed" inspections for not complying with new "tick box" regulations.
The number of independent schools judged to have breeched minimum standards set by the Government has trebled, new figures have revealed.
A total of 74 schools were issued last year with notices by the Department for Children, Schools and Families, requiring them to make urgent changes. This compares to just 23 in 2007 and 34 in 2008.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 22:41 0 comments
Police Shoot 42 Bullets Into Car With 2 Year Old Inside! -Uncover the News
Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama ‘may be the Antichrist’ as 14 states sue over healthcare reforms-Uncover the News
Americans who suggest Barack Obama should rot in hell are apparently deadly serious.
Nearly a quarter of Republicans believe the Democrat president ‘may be the Antichrist’, according to a survey.
Ministers 'lying about terror threat to justify draconian laws'-Daily Mail
Ministers were accused yesterday of keeping the public in a permanent 'state of emergency' to justify draconian anti-terror laws.
Worst Drought in a Millenium Creates Severe Food Shortages in China-Epoch Times
Regime pledges five cents per person for relief
Global-warming Alarmism Dying a Slow Death-The New American
Video Surveillance deployed inside London Public Bathrooms-Network World
Is nothing sacred anymore!
'You're branding all men paedophiles' says swimmer locked out of pool changing room while schoolboys dress-Daily Mail
-A father who was barred from a public pool's changing room because children were inside has said he was branded a 'pervert'.
Posted by The Network at 21:12 0 comments
Pet shop owner fined £1,000 and told to wear an electronic tag... for selling a GOLDFISH to a boy aged 14-Daily Mail
Buying a goldfish at a pet shop used to be an innocent childhood pleasure.
But today an elderly pet shop owner told how she was 'entrapped' into selling a goldfish to a 14-year-old schoolboy, then warned she could face jail.
She had breached a law introduced in 2006 which bans selling live fish to anyone under 16.
Posted by Anonymous at 18:24 1 comments
Warning over pupil fingerprinting -BBC
Many schools are fingerprinting pupils without parents' permission, teachers have warned.
It is thought around 100 schools in the UK now use fingerprint identification systems for registration, borrowing library books and cashless catering.
But there is no legal requirement for schools to seek parents' consent for using biometric technologies.
Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America -Infowars
New parliamentary expenses evidence passed to CPS-Independent
Scotland Yard passed a new file of evidence against a Parliamentarian suspected of abusing expenses to prosecutors today.
100 Million Americans Question or Find Fault with the Official 9/11 Story -Global Research
Posted by The Network at 16:54 0 comments
Genetically modified soy is linked to rise in allergies-Examiner
Why are there so many food allergies today? Twenty, thirty or fifty years ago when parents and grandparents were children, it seemed as if allergies were barely discussed or even had. What has changed? Why are children’s bodies being affected more than adults?
Achtung! Germans Giving Up on Global Warming-Fox News
Germans citizens are rapidly losing faith in global warming following the Climate-gate scandals, according to a new report in Der Spiegel.
James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change-Guardian
In his first in-depth interview since the theft of UEA emails, the scientist blames inertia and democracy for lack of action
JAMES LOVELOCK: We need to get rid of “obstructions” like democracy to deal with global warming.
Can a global tax work?-Times of Malta
An idea that has re-gained prominence as a result of the financial crisis is that of introducing a global tax on financial transactions. Several weeks ago in Strasbourg, the European Parliament debated and adopted a resolution tabled by the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee (Econ) giving the green light for the EU to agree a common position on the issue and negotiate with the G20 and other international leaders, and for the Commission to undertake an impact assessment of a global financial transaction tax looking at both its advantages and potential disadvantages.
A U.S. Biometrics Agency-FAS
As of last week, there is now a U.S. Government national security agency called the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA). It supersedes a Biometrics Task Force that was established in 2000.
Though nominally a component of the Army, the biometrics agency has Defense Department-wide responsibilities.
Posted by The Network at 13:54 0 comments
Compilation of evidence and speeches along with documents and video footage about the New World Order which is being created around us, and what the future may mean if we do not wake up to stop it.
From Pantherandpolitics
Posted by The Network at 13:50 0 comments
SCHOOLS are eroding pupils’ civil liberties by taking their fingerprints without parents giving consent, a teacher claimed yesterday.
You can both go hang, say voters-Independent
50 per cent say choosing Brown is unthinkable... 51 per cent claim they have no enthusiasm for Tories... 38 per cent would like a hung parliament.
Tories Pledge to Cut British Jobs and Infrastructure to “Save £6 Billion” — but Seek to Increase Foreign Aid to £13 Billion -BNP
The Tory party plans to reverse Labour’s National Insurance rate hike by cutting £6 billion of jobs and IT systems from the civil service – but simultaneously aims to increase the UK’s foreign aid budget to £13 billion every year.
EU Regulation Has Cost UK Economy £176 billion Since 1998
The implementation and regulation of European Union laws has cost the British taxpayer £176 billion since 1998, roughly equivalent to the country’s entire budget deficit, according to a new report by think tank Open Europe.
CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down -Infowars
The corporate media does not bother to mention that Schaefer exposed the abuses of CPS and the international child sex slavery ring.
Multiple blasts rock Iraq's Karbala -Press TV
US-Iran 'cold war' warming up -Al Jazeera
After year-long optimism that the three decade old US-Iran standoff might finally come to an accommodation, the two sides are ratcheting up their rhetoric and in the process risk new escalation with unpredictable consequences.
Posted by The Network at 13:07 0 comments
Vitamin B3 beats Big Pharma's Zetia cholesterol drug -Natural News
The utter worthlessness of Big Pharma's cholesterol drugs was demonstrated recently by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed that niacin (a low-cost B vitamin) out-performs Merck's drug Zetia for preventing the build-up of arterial plaque, a symptom of cardiovascular disease.
'At war' US justifies drone attacks in Pak as act of 'self-defence' -Global Research
Amid growing discontent in Pakistan over the continuous drone attacks in the ungoverned tribal regions near the Afghan-Pak border, the United States has justified the Central Investigation Agency (CIA) operated missile hits against Al-Qaeda and Taliban extremists citing the right to "self-defence" under international law.
Riyadh meeting to seek ways to push Gulf currency union -Arab News
DUBAI: Central bank governors from four Gulf states will focus on how to push monetary union forward at a meeting in Saudi Arabia starting Tuesday, rather than how to bring back the United Arab Emirates and Oman, analysts say.
Say hello to my little friend: Children put on stage version of Scarface... using popcorn as cocaine and replacing swear words with 'fudge' -Daily Mail
With its vulgar language, extreme violence and frequent drug use, the cult ganster movie Scarface isn't the most obvious choice for a school play.
But that hasn't stopped a group of American schoolchildren from re-enacting the movie on stage - albeit with a few adjustments.
The play, which has become a hit on YouTube, the pint-sized youngsters swear, kill and talk about taking drugs.
'Super-Taser' shotgun bullet that can knock down criminals from 100ft considered by Home Office -Daily Mail
A new 'super-Taser' stun gun that fires a 500-volt wireless 'bullet' up to 100ft is being considered for use by UK police forces, the Home Office said today.
The extended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP), already used by police in the U.S., fires a barbed electrode from a modified 12-bore shotgun.
Interest Rates Surge Higher on Debt Crisis
-Market Oracle
The big news this week was the rise in interest rates, especially on the long end of the yield curve: 10 year yields were up 16 basis points to 3.85%; and 30 year rates added 17 basis points to 4.75% (see charts in the bond section). What’s behind this sudden move?
Haiti Post-Quake - Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation & Oppression -Rense
Two and half months post-quake, the major media mostly ignore Haiti, the calamitous conditions on the ground, and the growing desperation of millions forced to largely endure on their own - out of sight, mind, the concern of world leaders, and UN, USAID and other aid organizations diverting most of the $700 million + donated to contractors and profiteering NGOs.
I Never Imagined the Town Hall Nazis Would Go Quite So Mad
-Dot Connector
Thirteen years of New Labour rule have made our lives a misery where it matters most to us - on our unswept streets and in our own bin-cluttered backyards.
We all depend on the services provided by local councils, yet these days they are run for the benefit of those who work there, not for the people who pay for them.
Scottish Government Cover up of Hollie Greig Part 6 – Why are Politicians and Media so tight lip -Palestine Telegraph
There is much more to discuss on the Hollie Story but as promised in my last article I though I would break away from the main theme and discuss why all the Politicians and the Media remain so tight lipped? What is it that they fear?
Posted by The Network at 12:32 1 comments
new world order in the UK year 2020 from the BBC's own website
To everyone that says that we truthseekers are all mad, watch this and then tell me that we are all mad. How much proof do you need? We are all controlled, wake up people the future is already here, big brother is no longer watching, he knows.
From Resaxz
(Disturbing to say the least. UPDATE: The BBC have now removed the page but we have it heres thx to resaxz)
Posted by The Network at 12:27 0 comments
Researchers discover papaya is effective against breast, pancreas and other cancers-Natural News
The study, recently published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, not only showed that papaya has a direct anti-tumor effect on a variety of malignancies, but it also documented for the first time that papaya leaf extract increases the production of key signaling molecules called Th1-type cytokines.
Drug-addicted surgery tech gave hepatitis C to dozens of patients-Natural News
A Colorado woman is facing a 20-year prison sentence for carelessly infecting at least 36 patients with hepatitis C during her time as a surgery technician. Kristen Parker somehow made it through hospital drug screening procedures and proceeded to steal drugs like Fentanyl from syringes and refill them with saline for use on patients.
Posted by Cynarae at 12:26 0 comments
First blog faces censure by PCC-yahoo
Former Radio 4 Today editor Rod Liddle has become the first journalist to have an online blog censured by the press watchdog.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 09:52 0 comments
Big Pharma Intends to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools!-Know the Lies
The golden calf of public health was smashed in this recent flu season as many in the United States outright rejected the H1N1 vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are now holding the bag, as millions of doses of the vaccine are rotting on shelves or being discarded as hazardous waste. Or are they? The manufacturer may find it more cost effective to dump them into the arms of our public school systems.
"Fascism is Coming to America"... Gerald Celente-Know the Lies
Gerald Celente preparing us for what's to come... ~ Audio
Rating agencies say Britain must do more to retain triple-A status-Guardian
S&P and Fitch say government cuts may not go far enough
Agencies to decide on UK's credit status after general election
Chancellors' debate - the verdict-Guardian
Alistair Darling, George Osborne and Vince Cable clash in the first live televised debate of the 2010 general election campaign
Chancellors' debate: scale of spending cuts laid bare-Telegraph
The true scale of the public spending pain that awaits whichever party wins the election was laid bare by the unanimous verdict of the Chancellor and his Conservative and Liberal Democrat counterparts in a live television debate.
Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State-Lew Rockwell
People don’t know what fusion centers are,” says Catherine Bleish, who was the opening speaker at the 2010 New Hampshire Liberty Forum on March 19
Fusion centers were created after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as a way for local and state law enforcement agencies to share terrorism related information with the federal government, and vice versa. The idea quickly ran into problems, first among them the fact that there simply isn’t enough terrorist activity to justify the concept. Instead of shutting down as pointless, fusion centers gradually began expanding into sharing information about all crimes. Fusion center activity over the years has also raised concerns about government surveillance of legally protected political activity.
Biblical Plagues Due To ‘Climate Change’-Sweetness Light
Biblical plagues really happened say scientists
The Biblical plagues that devastated Ancient Egypt in the Old Testament were the result of global warming and a volcanic eruption, scientists have claimed.
Global Warming Activist Freezes to Death in Antarctica -Fox Nation
Famed global warming activist James Schneider and a journalist friend were both found frozen to death on Saturday, about 90 miles from South Pole Station, by the pilot of a ski plane practicing emergency evacuation procedures.
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing", recounted the pilot, Jimmy Dolittle. "There were two snowmobiles with cargo sleds, a tent, and a bright orange rope that had been laid out on the ice, forming the words, 'HELP-COLD'."
(How's that for irony?)
Posted by Anonymous at 07:56 0 comments
Greek financial crisis: the latest
The Greek debt crisis has dominated financial markets so far in 2010. Stay here for the latest news.
Power crunch looms for Britain
The taxpayer must pay for new plants, warns new Npower boss Volker Beckers
Fingerprint system 'stigmatises pupils'
Protests after children are scanned without the consent of their parents
Schools are denying pupils their civil liberties by fingerprinting them without seeking the consent of their parents, teachers warned yesterday.
Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class
When Empire Hits Home, Part 2
The western nations of the world have built their great wealth and societies on the exploitation and plundering of the people and resources of the rest of the world. The wealth, freedom, and structures of our societies have been built on the starvation, robbery, deprivation and murder of millions upon millions of the world’s people, both historically and presently.
Web of companies hides Blair millions: Riddle of ex-PM's investments in foreign countries
Tony Blair faced new questions over his secretive business empire last night as it emerged one of his companies has been licensed to operate in low-tax regimes abroad.
Police chiefs must reveal their expenses as Jack Straw says they ARE subject to Freedom of Information
The perks enjoyed by senior police chiefs are to be finally subject to public scrutiny, ministers will say today.
The Association of Chief Police Officers - which, controversially, is considered a private company - has so far escaped the reaches of the Freedom of Information Act.
This is despite a string of damaging claims that senior officers are enjoying lucrative perks such as access to luxury Westminster flats.
Posted by Anonymous at 07:46 0 comments
Junkie food
If you like fast food or 'junk' food you are now an addict. Just like smokers. And heroin users. So it's soon going to be just fine for the Righteous to treat you the same way.
In Mongolia, it's sadly been so cold this winter that a million animals have died, and many of the nomadic herders and farmers are said to be in desperate need of aid. The Today programme reported this story yesterday morning, but guess what was missing from the equation? Any mention of that dreaded phrase "climate change". This fits a pattern. Today reporters grind on about AGW every time there is a claim - however tenuous - that temperatures are getting hotter; but never when the reverse applies. Of course, one extremely bad winter does not prove cooling, but on Radio 4's co-called flagship news programme, the topic is never discussed properly.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 05:13 0 comments
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 05:09 0 comments
Scotland loses out in £80m turbine plans
SCOTLAND appears to have lost out on plans by German conglomerate Siemens to invest more than £80 million and create 700 jobs in a new UK factory to manufacture offshore wind turbines.
Mephedrone to be banned after deaths
Dance drug mephedrone will be banned within weeks, Home Secretary Alan Johnson announced today.
Tories attack BBC cuts to niche stations
The shadow Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has questioned the BBC's decision to cut niche radio stations such as 6 Music and BBC Asian Network.
Posted by Corrugated Soundbite at 05:03 0 comments
Health Board pays thousands to police
Posted by subrosa at 00:32 0 comments
Red tape ties Edinburgh trams down
Posted by subrosa at 00:23 0 comments
Industry wants the next government to raise pensions
Posted by subrosa at 00:19 0 comments
Tycoon to spend £100,000 on Russian party for daughter
Posted by subrosa at 00:17 0 comments
Ministers knew rail link could miss 2014 Games
Posted by subrosa at 00:14 0 comments
Union 'taxes' own branches to build £700k war chest in battle with BA.
Posted by subrosa at 00:11 0 comments
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