Recall when the unelected Brown assumed PMship, he tried to force "presumed consent" on the populace, such that the state can take your organs, on your death, without your permission, unless you explicitly opted out.
There was such a huge outcry that the policy was dropped - or was it? The government would have us believe that the taking of people's organs without their consent was an "IT blunder".
Yeah, right.
Now, America is attempting to introduce the same policy. It is clear that this is a G20 issue - or, more accurately, a NWO issue.
What incentive does the a hospital have to keep you alive, when it can profit from the sale of your organs?
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Although we are powerless to stop the destruction of our society, we can at
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a bi...
Amusing Bunni: Urgent Update
*I can't believe I almost missed this.......*
*Re-posted from Opie's blog.......*
*(5/5/13) I will be on an airplane toda...
A plea
A plea to both of my readers (hi, Mum). I have been quiet for a while,
which is partly due to connection problems but mostly because early in the
New Year ...
To the Fatuous Twat in the seat of POWER!
*HEY FATUOUS ONE! look below your game has been unveiled and you can no
longer hide behind your pretense that nothing is wrong in the world you are
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