It is my contention that had the Lib Dems won enough seats, together with Labour, to form a working Lib/Lab coalition they would almost certainly be working now towards that aim.
However, it appears that a Lib/Lab pact does not have, combined, a working parlimentary majority.
If the Lib Dems back Labour, refusing to work with the Tories, and the attempt fails a new election must be called.
Under these circumstances a large majority of the electorate would fully understand the Tories assertion that a vote for the Lib Dems is, infact, a vote for a corrupt Labour Government.
It would be a betrayal of the majority of the British people which would, no doubt, express itself in a massive loss of votes for the Lib Dems in any subsequent election.
Will the Lib Dems betray the British people?
They must think very carefully about what they do next.
UPDATE: Bravo Nick- it seems he will do the 'right thing'
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