New Direction- New Blog
From ukws
For those of you that have followed this blog and it's predecessor ukwebspider I must apologise for the distinct drop off in posts in recent weeks. Things have happened recently that have challenged my world view.
When I first started ukws last year and even the uknewsnetwork, 3 months ago, we lived in the halcion days of a booming stock market, promises of 'green shoots' and relatively few immediate dangers.
All that has changed.
Anyone following the gulf oil disaster will know it is going to change the world forever.
Anyone following the flotilla crisis will know that more ships are coming and confrontation, even war, is on the horizon.
Anyone following the 'Iran problem' must know that a military strike is now highly likely and with it the onset of ww3.
And anyone following the continuing economic collapse must realise what will soon unfold.
The World is changing my friends and not for the better.
I'm no longer interested in provincial politics and irrelevent stories of 'over-bearing' councils and H&S departments gone crazy. These things are irrelevent when there are so many greater problems and disasters unfolding. The UK blogosphere has lost my interest- too much focus on irrelevent stories, little real analysis, few warnings of what is now happening in the world.
I'm abandoning the blog and starting another called 'the crisis report' where I will focus on those things that really matter; Economic Collapse, Peak Oil, the New World Order, Middle East War, The Gulf Oil Disaster etc with a special emphasis on how to survive what is now unfolding.
I will need a few days to set it up and for those of you that want to keep in touch I'll post the link here.
I also want to set up a forum where those of you that realise what is happening and are trying to prepare can discuss events and strategy.
The new blog will be better than this one as I will be freed from the constraints of reporting everything that might affect the UK and instead I can post those things that really matter on a global scale.
The world's changing- things are getting much worse- and rapidly.
The new blog won't be pretty and it won't be for the faint hearted but if you want to know whats really going on in the world- stop by sometime.
Stay informed. Stay Alert. Keep in touch.
I know just how you feel there Network, I too have lost the plot with the lcal bits and bobs that mean so little in the real scheme of things!
I fully understand your move to a more global stance , it is after all the way that I find myself travelling. So if you need some input then give me a call!You know where I am..
I agree with you UKNN, the news lately has been EVEN WORSE than all the news prior. I think the end days are on their way. Good luck with your new blog, and I'll blogroll you when it comes out!
Good luck,i find myself agreeing with you.
Welcome in the club" I've been writing this from ages now...
twitter mariogreat
I will follow you with very interest...
Cheers and good luck
OK then.
I have a feeling your new blog will be widely read. We need a blog such as the one you have planned.
A word of caution: there is a ton of crap out there which at first looks real, but with a bit of digging morphs into disinformation. I ask you to cross-check and re-reference to make sure you are not being led down blind alleys.
Avoid the conspiracy nuts as well. That way lies ridicule, and you (we) do not need that.
The first trick is to follow the money. Learn that, and you learn everything.
You have my support, for what it's worth.
Good move
One of the first stories to cover, the sudden relevation that a trillion worth of goodies are to be had in Afganistan.
I do not think that the 'new direction' is that far removed from what some of the existing focus has been.
The financial looting of nations and the dismantling of nation states, coupled with the militarisation of police forces and the curtailing of civil liberties are all part of the end game unfolding.
In my opinion.
And that's why The Talking Clock started chiming a year ago.
Good luck - this is one blog who will have no problem linking to and supporting the refocus.
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