Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Bio Marine scientists: ocean acidification most dangerous affect of global warming
Ocean acidification is described as the ongoing decrease in the pH or salinity of the Earth's oceans caused by the uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

HAWKINS: Global warming is back
After two years of rau-cous meetings at great ho-tels and re-sorts around the world, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) failed to deliver a treaty in Copenhagen in December. The clash of national interests over who would be required to cripple their economies to "save the planet" from the chimera of global warming proved insurmountable. The flawed process should have ended, but UNFCCC is pressing on. Talks will open again in Bonn on Friday, to be followed by several more negotiating junkets before a grand sequel to Copenhagen is held next December in Cancun, Mexico.

Last Stand Against UK Digital Economy Bill and Dangerous Internet Restrictions
Today, adverts in the Guardian and Times will call on Government MPs to make sure the Digital Economy Bill (DEB) receives full debate, rather than being rushed through ‘wash-up’. DEB, which is designed to tackle online copyright infringement, could spell the end of public / open Wi-Fi Hotspots, force legitimate websites to close (potentially this might even affect Google and YouTube) and could result in innocent broadband ISP users being disconnected from the internet.

Food Crisis Looming Around the Corner
An aggressive push in agriculture is essential

In a report prepared for the first-ever meeting of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD), researchers paint a bleak picture of the future. They say that, unless immediate action is taken on increasing the world's food supply, we could soon be faced with a crisis unlike any other we ever witnessed. The largest amount of work needs to be placed in poorer nations, which have been kept subservient for centuries, but which now need to become able to feed themselves. Most of these areas do not contribute to the global food supply in a noteworthy proportion.

Labour's blown £1.5 Billion on advice
MINISTERS have blown a huge £1.5BILLION of taxpayers' money on ADVICE over the past five years.


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