Tuesday, 6 April 2010

General Election 2010: Gordon Brown's loose relationship with the truth
In his Downing Street statement this morning Gordon Brown said that one of the values he had learned during his upbringing in his “ordinary middle class home” was “telling the truth”. He did not learn it terribly well. His period as Chancellor was notorious for his manipulation of statistics – double counting and treble counting became routine. Since becoming Prime Minister, he has found it harder to get away with such slippery behaviour. Last month he was forced to issue a humiliating public apology for misleading the Chilcot Inquiry with his false claim (and he must have known it was false) that he had increased spending on the armed forces every year he was in the Treasury. And only last week he was rebuked by Sir Michael Scholar of the UK Statistics Authority for playing fast and loose with immigration figures. The PM used two sets of “not comparable” figures to back his assertion that immigration was falling; it meant the number of new arrivals was under-counted by 30,000. There was a time when misleading Parliament in this way was regarded as a heinous offence. No more. In his book Servants of the People, Andrew Rawnsley recounts an explosion from the then Chancellor after he had been challenged during a radio interview about what he knew of Bernie Ecclestone’s £1 million donation to the Labour Party. He knew a lot, but said he didn’t. According to Rawnsley, a highly agitated Brown afterwards yelled at aides: “I lied. If this gets out, I’ll be destroyed.” If lying upsets him so much, why does he persist in doing it?

ENOUGH is enough.

Seven in 10 Brits now think we are taking in far too many immigrants.

Unemployment fears rise as job demand drops
Demand for new staff fell last month bringing an end to a period of slow growth and fuelling fears of another possible rise in unemployment.

Statistics from recruiter Reed.co.uk's job index showed a drop from 105 to 102 in March amid "mixed signals".

They want the Government to curb our shambolic open-door policy, according to Migrationwatch.

£1,400 a year added to mortgages
The average annual UK mortgage bill could go up by £700 - £1,400 if the Government does not reduce the amount it plans to borrow, think tank Policy Exchange has warned in its latest report ‘The Cost of Inaction'...

The UK currently has a budget deficit of nearly 12% of GDP. When deficits are very high, that adds a risk premium to interest rates, because of fears about inflation or default.

War on Terra could lead to WW3
Bob Chapman, the man who predicted 9/11, Iraq War, etc.... says :

Nuclear Terrorist attack on Major US city to Blame Iran could Start World War III which is very near and could be initiated with an Israeli staged nuclear attack on a major US city.


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