Saturday, 24 April 2010

For nations living the good life, the party's over, IMF says
To keep the global economy on track, people in the United States and the rest of the developed world need to work longer before retiring, pay higher taxes and expect less from government. And the cheap imports lining the shelves of mega-chains such as Wal-Mart and Target? They need to be more expensive

18 veterans kill themselves every day: report
The suicide rate among war veterans is extraordinary, new data reveals.

Thirty try to commit suicide each day, on average, reports the Army Times. Eighteen succeed, roughly five of whom receive medical care from Veterans Affairs, rated one of the best health programs in the country.

EU wants united airspace after ash cloud
European authorities have seized on this week's airline crisis to fast-track their control of airspace, but they appear to have less interest in helping airlines pay the bills left by the volcanic ash cloud.

Scientist says Arctic getting colder
A Russian scientist says the Arctic may be getting colder, not warmer, which would hamper the international race to discover new mineral fields


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